Well, what kind of spying could the Chinese doing in Texas?
Twit is funded and run by the government…..you were censored by the communist government….commies hate the truth
3 generations of welfare has bred animals
72% of ALL Americans support LGBT-Q…..therefore they support child exploitation also….simple demographics
You forgot, people starving , polluted everything and useless products building up on its docks….
If it was called oxysugar would still want some?
How about the fact most beverage alcohol comes from OIL….yum
If you really cared about your health you would see there is almost no room for all that sugar….
Twit caters to homos/pedos…..so Chrissy throws a tantrum and queers start butt fucking in twits HQ
Pedo network
Twit is part of Lucid….Lucid controls all
Fuck the NBA
And Baseball