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>keep normies out
Literally since when?
You dumb nigger this is a board of peace and newfags should be coming here instead of taking the slowfeed from famefaggots and paytriot larpers.
Nah, Q senpai loves cute moe shit.
Try fucking 2018, holy shit.
A lot figured out about Q stuff after all the board wars and migration.
Literal leddit refuges from voat.
But the more the merrier I suppose.
How is that an insult?
>Highest ranking anons.
It's unironically the same themes that create the social echo chamber garbage in most media platforms.
The idea of group think and false sense of superiority.
Trusted sources and all that retarded bullshit.
The idea of freedom is to be able to think for yourself, and question your own reasoning.
It's all so tiresome.