Anonymous ID: 68c7bd July 23, 2020, 5:09 a.m. No.10053751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3759 >>3789 >>3790 >>3799 >>3842 >>3861

ATTENTION, PLEASE! Just noticed something YUGE!!!


If it checks out, and no one can find anything that contradicts what I discovered, this is definitely a NOTEABLE!


So, over the years, I developed a (weird?) habit of checking out the global incident report map every few months. Just did that. I go thru all of the categories and just kinda look around at what it's saying is going on.


Well, I clicked to view the map showing Disease outbreaks, and couldn't believe my eyes…the US is showing up nearly empty!!


Link here:


Aside from a few Covid markers, the only thing there is a mention of the bubonic plague rat and some Dengue Fever in Florida…


So, you mean to tell me things like measles, mumps, polio…those things that everyone is HIGHLY encouraged to be vaccinated against have just completely dropped off & no where to be found???


Checking into it further, I looked up other sources for this kind of reporting.


Another map system for tracking preventable disease outbreaks is hosted by Gavi…checked there…as far as I can tell, they aren't reporting anything for the United States, either!!!


Link here:


Once more, I check another source. This time CDC. They state of measles, "As of June 5, 2020, there have been 12 confirmed cases in 7 jurisdictions." Compare that to 2019: "From January 1 to December 31, 2019, 1,282* individual cases of measles were confirmed in 31 states." (going on to state this was the highest recorded number in the US since '92). Link here:


So, uhhhh…what happened with "preventable disease outbreaks" nearly dropping off the face of the United States this year?


This definitely doesn't seem right!


I have some theories, but I'll keep them to myself at the moment.


This seriously needs more attention / brought to light / more digging!


What say ya'll?

Anonymous ID: 68c7bd July 23, 2020, 5:29 a.m. No.10053842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3861





Here's the screenshots for Gavi & CDC.

You're right, Global Incident report is no longer loading for me, but loaded fine only minutes ago…have never seen that site go down. Oddly enough, you can get to just fine. When you click on Diseases it no longer loads!! WTH!

Hopefully it comes back soon, didn't get a screenshot before it went down.