Synthwave Namefag ID: 27e96f July 23, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.10056598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10056025 (/lb)


The reason Hitler's party were called Nazis is because it was an abbreviation of "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei".


Attested since 1903, as a shortening of national-sozial), since in German the nati- in national /ˌnatsioˈnaːl/ is approximately pronounced Nazi [ˈnäːtsi];


Maybe the name Nazi was pushed by SOME Ashkenazi Jews as a form of projection and control over Hitler's army, but never forget Revelation 3:9, "Those who say they are Jews but are not; they are the Synagogue of Satan."


Obama (not a Jew) is a million times more evil than a hard working law abiding citizen of America whose parents are Jews.


Nobody is above another under God, no matter how much [they] scream about 'blood' determining 'hierarchy' on planet Earth.


I recognize the existence of radical racists in every 'class', 'ethnicity', 'religion', and 'race', radicals who believe that their ancestry and my ancestors are so different so as to 'justify' by way of a perceived absolute determinism to divide them from me as a species whereby they can slaughter me the way we slaughter sheep and cows.


I know their view is destined to fail on Earth (almost certainly in our lifetimes given what is happening worldwide) because they have to purposefully and intentionally rely on a conscious trust from those they deceive.


I know that the loudest screamers who accuse regular people of being racist, are whether they admit it or not and whether they even recognize it or not, they are working on behalf of the interests of the most evil racists on Earth that are in rhe shadows, claiming victimhood status themselves.

Yes, more than one of them are Jews, but there are also non-Jews who form 'The Eye' criminals network.


The DOJ is executing those who do harm to children, and this is I believe but a prologue that will see many more executed for crimes against children.


The Great Deceivers no longer control the narrative that has kept people controlled for generations.

They know they're threatened and they know we know they're threatened.

That's why they send their shills here to 8kun to foment division between otherwise normal law abiding people who have nothing to do with their 'war' for dominance over the Earth.

This is why those who seek to divide us are always only able to attack the living by condemning the dead.

It does not follow from the fact that 1917-1930s Bolsheviks, who are now dead, many of whom were Jews, makes ANY JEW ALIVE TODAY 'guilty.'

It is VERY VERY VERY revealing that the loudest anti-Jew voices on this site are at the same time the loudest 'blood libel' voices.

They post hateful messages about Jews for allegedly all of them having a bloodline-based disparaging view of 'goyim' who come from 'guilty'/'sinful'/'bad' bloodlines, yet at the very same time these anti-Jew voices want to 'punish' living Jews today for what dead Jews did in Russia.

'Blood libel' is either right or wrong.

Those who want to promote 'blood libel' 'justice' against the Jews cannot also attack Jews for pushing 'blood libel' on 'goyim.'

You don't defeat any evil by becoming it yourself.

When I see voices here USING blood libel to stop those who use blood libel, THERE IS NEVER EN END TO THE CONFLICT, THERE WILL NEVER BE PEACE, THERE WILL NEVER BE RECONCILIATION.


A kills B


Son of B kills the son of A because 'blood libel'.


Grandson of A kills the Grandson of B because 'blood libel'.




It will never end as long as the flawed idea of 'blood libel' persists in the minds of people as the principle their actions. It is nothing but an endless 'guilty before proven innocent' bloodbath.

The Enlightenment exposed the flaws in that ancient backwards ideology.

Are you enlightened or backwards?

Synthwave Namefag ID: 27e96f July 23, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.10056678   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why do you imply no actions?

The Great Awakening is occurring just fine according to plan, that's why Twitter panicked and deleted Q accounts.