Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.10056521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6534 >>6555 >>6594


I have compiled some counter argument research that can be copy pasted with memes on social media…

I will post several in this thread.

Red pill the normies!


They lied about Benghazi:


First, Pulitzer prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh – says that Benghazi was really a CIA outpost for running weapons captured from Libya after Gaddaffi was overthrown into Syria … approved on a bipartisan basis by both Democrats and Republicans.”


“…not for any reason having to do with Libya or Gaddaffi themselves – but rather “to keep the Arab Spring going“.

The U.S. ousted Gaddaffi and then left, and Libya has now descended into chaos.”


They lied about 93’ World Trade Center bombing:


Former FBI agent, Ted Gunderson stated that “the CIA makes the mafia look like a Sunday school class” and that the CIA and FBI is “behind most if not all” terrorism.  The FBI certainly could have stopped the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing by substituting a fake bomb for the real one, as their informant Emad Salem suggested.  Instead, the bombing was allowed to occur, killing six people and wounding more than 1,000.”


They lied about Iran Contra:


"A few months ago I told the American people that I did not trade arms for hostages," Reagan said in a 13-minute speech from the Oval Office. "My heart and my best intentions still tell me that is true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."



They lied about the Iran nuclear deal:


“In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.”


“…And while the pursuit may be shadowed in secrecy, from Latin American luxury hotels to car parks in Africa to the banks and battlefields of the Middle East, the impact is not: In this case, multi-ton loads of cocaine entering the United States, and hundreds of millions of dollars going to a U.S.-designated terrorist organization with vast reach.”


They lied about JFK:







“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control…”


“…For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match…”


The original mockingbird:

Dan Rather was allowed to view the Zapruder film, which was classified at the time, and report on what he saw 12 years before it was finally released to the public in 1975.


“Violently FORWARD”

Dan Rather


How can this be explained and why did he lie?


What else have they lied about?

Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.10056534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6539



“…the CIA’s Mockingbird Media is attempting to destroy President Trump in a way NEVER witnessed before in U.S. history.

In point of fact, no POTUS has ever taken the blows that Trump has since the very day he declared his candidacy in June of 2015. He has had to weather a veritable superstorm of slander and libel, defamation and character assassination every single week since that declaration day.”


OIG report:


“Our review found that FBI personnel fell far short of the requirement in FBI policy that they ensure that all factual statements in a FISA application are "scrupulously accurate." We identified multiple instances in which factual assertions relied upon in the first FISA application were inaccurate, incomplete, or unsupported by appropriate documentation, based upon information the FBI had in its possession at the time the application was filed. We found that the problems we identified were primarily caused by the Crossfire Hurricane team failing to share all relevant information with OI and, cons~quently, the information was not considered by the Department decision makers who ultimately decided to support the applications.”


~Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation


“It was and still is a coup to overthrow the president of the United States…

…for three years the press has been the platform for an enormous and disgusting lie. It’s an extinction level event…

…it’s obscene what intelligence officials, political operatives and media industry have done for the last three years.”

~Lee Smith


“As a matter of historical fact, no POTUS in history has weathered the unceasing media superstorms ‘geoengineered’ right over the White House as this President.

And, as long as the CIA’s Mockingbird Media is firmly in charge of this assassination conspiracy, it will only get worse over the next 12 months.”




Schiff: 'I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff'


“IT’S OVER… you lost”

“Some of you will wind up in handcuffs, notably, Jim Comey, Jim Baker, Andy McCabe and John Brennan. Some of you will suffer a worse fate…

“When the clear eyes of history look back on this, you will be on the wrong side of liberty, freedom and the bill of rights.

And to the media goons, lunatic hacks in the media, who tried to gas light us into believing that collusion was real and spying was fake,

know this:

“In the one moment you had to shine and save the REPUBLIC and do the right thing… you failed.

Your kids will be embarrassed by you, your grandkids will be embarrassed by you. History will use you as an example of exactly not to do when entering into the field of journalism.

You will become a STAIN on our country from this point on…

You people in the media will be remembered as accomplices in the biggest scandal in American history. You’re a disgrace, a disgrace to everything this country stands for.”

“I’m embarrassed for you, you disgust me.”

-Dan Bongino


“Finally, a DOCUMENTED admission of guilt. Summed up in an official Obama-era State Department document. And you wonder how Mueller’s investigative team missed it.

As reported by The Hill,

If ever there were an admission that taints the FBI’s secret warrant to surveil Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written account of her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele shows the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded British intelligence operative admitted that his research was political and facing an Election Day deadline.

And that confession occurred 10 days before the FBI used Steele’s now-discredited dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the campaign’s ties to Russia.

Be still my heart. The Hill actually used the term “discredited” to describe the Steele dossier.”

Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.10056539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561



It was a failed coup d'état.

Obama, Clinton, Mueller, Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and their band of merry minions won’t let it go…

The patience of the patriots who KNOW is wearing dangerously thin.

These ppl must be held accountable for their crimes.

Get involved and let your voice be heard at #GreatAwakening.


“…Members of Italian intelligence were approached by Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and the Deep State in order to frame Trump by PLANTING EVIDENCE on American servers to force Trump to step down from office.

In other words, members of Italian intelligence found a target in Occhionero, a Republican-sympathizer who had two servers for his company, Westland Securities, located in America. One was in Washington State, and the other in West Virginia.

The plan was for Italian Intelligence to hack into these servers, plant classified emails from Hillary’s servers inside these servers on American soil, and then alert the FBI.

The FBI would then raid these locations, “discover” these e-mails, investigate, link these servers to Trump…

And then force Trump to resign.

Occhionero believes that Obama and the former leader of Italy, Matteo Renzi, worked together on this plan and he provides reports of their meetings in Italy before the 2016 election and in early 2017.”


“It is highly probable that former President Obama and his Deep State FBI worked with foreign countries like Italy to assist in the removal of President Trump from office.  Unfortunately for Obama, his coup even with this assistance failed.”


“…Separately, congressional Republicans have questioned whether British officials supported intelligence-gathering activities targeted at Trump associates or coordinated in any way with Steele. (They almost certainly did, meaning the Clinton campaign and likely the Obama administration were working closely with foreign powers to meddle/manipulate a U.S. election, something that would place it among the greatest/most dangerous political scandals in American history.)



Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.10056561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6577



As the Jeffrey Epstein case continues to unfold, a laundry list of celebrities, business magnates and socialites who have flown anywhere near the registered sex offender's orbit are now tainted with pedo-polonium. Many of them, such as Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, and Victoria's Secret boss Les Wexner have sought to distance themselves from Epstein and his activities - however their attempts have fallen on deaf ears considering their extensive ties to the pedophile.


As Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman notes, "The questions about Epstein are metastasizing much faster than they can be answered: Who knew what about Epstein’s alleged abuse? How, and from whom, did Epstein get his supposed $500 million fortune? Why did Acosta grant Epstein an outrageously lenient non-prosecution agreement? (And what does it mean that Acosta was reportedly told Epstein “belonged to intelligence”?)"

Also illuminating is a statement by attorney Brad Edwards, who said during a Wednesday press conference seated next to Epstein accuser Courtney Wild that "There were other business associates of Mr. Epstein’s who engaged in improper sexual misconduct at one or more of his homes. We do know that," adding "In due time the names are going to start coming out."


“Over the past two decades the Clintons have created nothing short of a global network consisting of influential foreign politicians, oligarchs and royalty, exercising what Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel called "the cult of unregulated globalism." The fall of the House of Clinton may bring an end to this globalist structure, he told Sputnik.

"The Clintons — and the Bushes and Obamas — have embraced the cult of unregulated 'globalism' wherein a small band of cronies drawn from the billionaire class, multinational companies, international nonprofits, academia, and media swarm around the world trying to dominate the political agenda, as they move financial markets, and put deals together," Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist, told Sputnik.

According to the analyst, this approach gained momentum starting around 1988 and allowed globalist elites to build even greater fortunes out of being able to control any national government.

Over the past two decades the Clintons have managed to create a sort of a global network involving prominent foreign politicians, tycoons and powerful clans. Many of them have long been generous donors to the Clinton Foundation, dubbed by Ortel, who has been conducting a private inquiry into the entity for the last few years, the "largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted."

Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.10056577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6589 >>6605



“Peace IS the prize”

~Donald Trump


“LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former U.S. basketball star Dennis Rodman, one of a handful of Westerners to have met North Korean head of state Kim Jong Un, and a friend of U.S. President Donald Trump, said on Monday he thought the two leaders could work out a deal.”

Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.10056589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6604 >>6669



Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins


“…During history, empires have depended on their military power. Provided that they desired to dominate territory, they sent their soldiers and took it. Enemies may argue about these claims, then this may cause a war, yet that was seldom a disincentive. The quarrel was basically an inescapable outcome of implementing imperial business. 

This estimation became different after WW II. And then, as elder European forces diminished, two brand new empires came out, the Soviet Union and its rival the United States. Both of them had the atomic bomb meaning that a war between them had the possibility to bring about nuclear armageddon. This was the disincentive and it made the US implement a new tactic for imperial management.”


"But he's (Putin) a killer," O'Reilly said to Trump.

"There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?" Trump replied.


Countries overthrown by the CIA:

  • Syria 1949

  • Iran 1953

  • Guatemala 1954

  • Tibet 1955–70s

  • Indonesia 1958

  • Cuba 1959

  • Iraq 1960–63

  • Dominican Republic 1961

  • South Vietnam 1963

  • United States 1963

  • Brazil 1964

  • Australia 1967

  • Chile 1970–73

  • Greece 1974

  • Afghanistan 1979–89

  • Turkey 1980

  • Poland 1980–89

  • Nicaragua 1981–90

  • Iraq 1992–96

  • Venezuela 2002

  • Iraq 2002–03

  • Iran 2005–present

  • Syria 2012–present

  • Ukraine 2014

  • Libya

Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10056604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6612 >>6619



Biden corruption…

Go get em’ quid pro Joe–dj2-CY


Fact: Joe Biden admitted to forcing Shokin’s firing in March 2016.


Fact: Shokin’s prosecutors were actively investigating Burisma when he was fired.


Fact: Burisma’s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.


Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his son’s role as a board member.


Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.


Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Fact: Hunter Biden acknowleged he may have gotten his Burisma job solely because of his last name.


Fact: Ukraine law enforcement reopened the Burisma investigation in early 2019, well before President Trump mentioned the matter to Ukraine’s new president Vlodymyr Zelensky.

Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.10056612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6620



“The truth can go un-rescued for a long time… but, not forever”



Who is Joseph Cofer Black?











Burisma / Ukraine


“…and it’s shocking. Romney’s National Security Advisor, Joseph Cofer Black, sits on the Board of the same Burisma Holdings that was being investigated for corruption back in 2014, and the Vice President and Obama Administration demanded be shut down. Why? Because Burisma was/is their vehicle for corrupt practices in Eastern Europe.

And CIA Director, John Brennan’s 9/11 Deep State partner, Cofer Black, is still the link to all that goes on there. In fact, I can state unequivocally that Burisma is the centre of Ukraine corruption and the Democrats’ shadow organisation for corrupt activities. I live in Eastern Europe (Poland) and my sources are first-hand.

And I know this matters greatly to Mitt Romney as he is not yet done with politics. If Black is busted, it will reflect on Romney, and it only makes sense that Cofer Black is the Deep State ‘plant’ in case Romney ever rises above polishing knobs in the U.S. Senate.

Romney wants to run for President again in 2024 and if he wins, Cofer Black will be back with his fingers on the strings either as DNI or CIA Chief of Corruption.

Burisma Holdings is the hub of U.S. Democrat activities to corrupt both Ukraine and American politics and there is proof. Ukraine President Zelenskyy’s win surprised both Brennan and Black’s Deep State ops as much as Trump’s did in 2016 in America.

So who is this Cofer Black guy?

Joseph Cofer Black, joined the CIA in 1974 and rose to be Director of The National Counterterrorism Center, before joining Mitt Romney. If it were not for researching this article, I admit, he was unknown to me as well. What a revelation.

Black was also the Head of Counterintelligence who somehow missed the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, though according to The Economist, 16 foreign leaders and heads of intelligence agencies warned him it was not only going to happen but when. Oh well. And nothing was done about Cofer Black for this, indicating this is what the Deep State wanted.

But it goes deeper. John Brennan and this guy, Cofer Black, are how 19 terrorists got into the U.S.A. to attack the U.S. on 9/11. Editor Harry will jump on me or make Nurse Ratched give me a dose of Castor Oil if I say something I can’t prove, so I’m just going to quote the CIA whistleblower at the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia CIA staff hearing, who is the source:

“According to Freedom Outpost, Brennan was the CIA station chief in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, when the 9/11 hijackers were given visas to travel to the United States.

“In September 2014, a whistleblower named Greg Ford, a former military intelligence officer, told Ground Zero Radio’s Clyde Lewis that the CIA had objections to the approval of those visas but Brennan actually overrode them.”

The second in command of the CIA station was directly quoted by the whistleblower as saying, ‘No way, absolutely we are not going to stamp those visas.’

But CIA Saudi station chief, John Brennan, overrode the officer in charge and ordered the visas to be stamped and issued. They came, they learned to ‘take off’ an airplane but said they were not interested in ‘how to land.’

Cofer Black ignored the reports about this strange behaviour, though it was made, I know as a fact, from the people who made it. I was also a Florida-based pilot in 2001.

You know the rest of the story…”

Anonymous ID: ad35ea July 23, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.10056620   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“Mr. Black brought to this role his extensive background at the CIA, which he joined in 1974 and where he trained for covert operations. He rose rapidly through the ranks, becoming director of the National Counterterrorism Center from 1999 to 2002. Coincidentally, this was the time in which al-Qaeda planned and carried out the 911 attack without hindrance from the counterintelligence apparatus of the Intelligence Community. But Black was not penalized; he failed upward, being appointed ambassador at large and coordinator for counter-terrorism by President George W. Bush in December 2002.


And in yet another amazing coincidence, Black was succeeded in his job as director of the National Counterterrorism Center by John Brennan.”


Also connects to Eric Prince…

(Who knows where the bodies are buried?)


“From there, Black began working in the private sector, serving as Vice Chairman for Blackwater (now Acedmi). Black resigned from his position following controversy surrounding Blackwater’s ASSASSINATION PROGRAM. The company has since rebranded.

Black also served on Mitt Romney’s campaign for president in 2012. From the Federalist:

He later worked at Blackwater as a vice chairman before joining Romney’s campaign as a “special adviser” on Romney’s Foreign Policy and National Security Advisory Team in October of 2011.”


AND Black had the nerve to go before Congress and blame HIS “failures” on lack of funding…