Anonymous ID: 44b17a July 24, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.10069457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9477 >>9500



The Communist Democrats have designed this “national virtue signalling” campaign to silence all and any opposition to their policies and goals, while co-opting private corporations and industry into funding their political goals.


This IS what Communist revolutionaries do. They WILL control what you think, where you work, IF you work, where your kids go to school, IF your kids get into college, and certainly, who rules the country, irrespective of election results.


If you don’t think that you are in the middle of a hot civil war, with only one lawless side “playing”, you need to pull your head out of the sand. Do you ACTUALLY believe that the Democrats will allow Trump to be re-elected, or the GOP to hold the Senate or re-take the House. They intend to “transform” America into an authoritarian, socialist (a.k.a. commie) regime.


I hear talking heads (people of good will like Dan Bongino) saying that if we all don’t get out and vote, this could be our LAST election. I’m sorry, but our last elections were 2016 and 2018. When the Democrats were able to commit widespread election fraud, “flipping” 22 Congressional seats across the country from “R” to “D” AFTER the votes were in on election night, and the GOP candidate led, and the Federal government did nothing to investigate or prosecute the perps, the final die was cast. The Democrats, if you listen closely and watch their actions (i.e. CoViD 19 destruction of the US economy, using plans by the CDC that were on the shelf since 2006, and NEVER implemented because they were flat out crazy), the BLM “race riots”, ANTIFA going wild, and the “no election – election” with mail in fraud, oops, I mean ballots, you realize that the Communist Democrats have no intention of allowing you to choose Trump again, nor any other GOP leader. They’ve already tilted the field heavily in favor of any opposition candidate to the GOP. They have a detailed revolution plan, and “they” I believe is Obama’s Democrats, to “win” in November “… by any means necessary”.


What you are seeing today is what they meant by that phrase. They are at war, and we are playing tiddly winks, afraid to move lest we be arrested by their Federal LEO’s and “blue city/state” police. This is for keeps. It doesn’t end in November. It only gets 10x more violent.


I say…It's time to decide whether or not you are a Patriot and act accordingly.