FF = False Flag
Nice try with the diversion glowie
Wut? You haven't seen a lead farm before?
Israel is such an insult to humanity. It's a trophy that states, "So long as you're willing to be worse in every way, shape and form necessary than anyone else on earth, you will get everything you want and everyone will have to kiss your ass."
same thing
now that the public consensus has shifted far enough right, we will turn the rivers red with the blood of Antifa/BLM and Pedophiles while Americans cheer.
By the time everyone figures out we really are Nazi right wing radical white supremacists, it will be too late!
Trust the Plan!
>I'm thinking [they]'ve literally replaced historic people with operatives all along
Hitler was way to based to be a stooge of the bankers. He went back into battle (WWI) after being shot only to get injured again, then got out and put himself on the front lines in demonstrations against Communism and get shot again.
As far as switching them out. I've thought of this. All they have to do is invite an up and coming star to a big party and kill them / replace them.
Then there's also the lobotomy treatment we see evidenced by the black all-famous black eye.
So many options to choose from. Hard to tell which makes the most sense.
be funny if he shot that phone out of her hand then put a rubber round in her neck like a boss!
You do realize Anons set out on this mission to crumble the financial system, right? Taking down the bankers has been the goal since the beginning. You're not going to quell our anarchist spirit by putting tight-jeans wearing dudes with tits dancing around on jewtube claiming to be anarchists. The mission continues, wall street will be a pile of rocks by the end of this.
Enjoy the show.
He's up in WA so he might have been referring to the recent quake that hit Alaska, the 7.8 mag one.
>But Clooney is a sword gobbler
Jizzpaine fingered cloony's fartbox for the lulz