So…there's going to be this "Q" on here. You've got Steinlarp. And now there's going to be a 3rd, that they're claiming is the "original Q." So, what? Now we're gonna have 3 "Q" groups that get nothing done? Just going to dilute the message, because if there IS a "Real Q"… none of them are doing a damn thing. It's hard enough to get people to digest the message with 1 Q, let alone these "imposters." So, either get something fucking done, or GTFO here…because once there's Original Q, Diet Q, and Q Zero on the scene…I'm done trying to decipher this clusterfuck to others. 3 years of dumbassery, and no results.
Your point? I watch shitty TV shows sometimes too. This has moved from "news" to "entertainment"…so I treat it as such.
"Think as I do or leave" said the Democrat.
It's not my fault you're a rube for blindly trusting some internet entity. I trust action/results… not "plans."
People with your attitude are exactly why people are more likely to believe the MSM than any of this anyway. You have the savoir faire of a hyena.
Sure, they give you enough "proofs" to convince you there's actually shit happening…because they want your vote. It's a re-election campaign. It's MSM for the internet crowd. However, for every proof… there is an unrealized "soon" or "unleashing." "We have it all" means exactly dick when you're doing nothing with it.