Anonymous ID: 2f84ce July 27, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.10092612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

did anons see the anonpost ppl are spreading,on FB etc, inc prominent ppl like Freya Ferdinand(sp?) that claims to be a US soldier busy killing 'chinamen' with weather? it says chinese forces will be mowing down 'anything that moves' in LA, NYC…all these ppl uncritically liking it…aye yi yi yo


it reads like CCP prop; makes USA sounds like heartless murders, and makes Q followers look like idiots bc obviously POTUS/local LEOs would make mention/engage, prior to hordes of 'chinamen mowing down anything that moves'– worst of all, this kind of hyperbolic fearmongering is going to make some retardanon more prone to engage ; it is a bait to violence, plz use discernment and help other anons to remember simple rules; sauce it, think logically, … lotta fake anons out there I suspect,that will try to sheepdog gullible anons into all sorts of traps. heads on swivels frens. wwg1wga