South Park predicted this
>My meme skills suck.
My meme skills used to suck balls
>Muh phone is half crippled and half dead.
And not only was I computer illiterate, but the beat-to-shit $200 laptop I been hobbling around on should've been dead three years ago.
Not tryin' to hate, just trying to motivate.
I'd make that meme for ya, but it'd take me awhile, and I got bunch of shit I'm supposed to be doing, right now, to further break my back for the rest of my life.
In the mean time, I believe in you!
The premise is good (even though I have no real idea what that movie is about because I never saw it)
I look forward to seeing a meme magically appear on this board, fulfilling your wishes.
Whether by your hand or the hand of Anon, Kek wills it