Zuckerfuck just said sometimes they're more capable than governments at identifying threats like hate speech.
This will come back to bite them. Oops.
Do they have WAY too much power? Hell yes.
>Can you honestly imagine Maxine Waters getting to decide what is or isn't "hate speech"?
Facefuck or Mad Max. They're both puppets to the overlords. Do you actually believe there's a difference? Of course you don't, because there isn't.
yeah, like I said: You're a faggot.
Watch the eyes of the CEO of Google.
He's looking down and to the right when he speaks.
He's using a teleprompter.
>Hopefully your patience makes up for the lack of patience I'm feeling.
Those who are awake cannot sleep.
>"Calculated damage control"
Exactly. They're demonizing them for standard antitrust issues in order to provide cover for the election/political meddling, brainwashing, censorship and promotion of propaganda. The latter is far more powerful, especially in the short term (next 97 days.)
If you don't think the normies are waking up at lightspeed, then you aren't watching. What is happening is unstoppable and is accelerating at ludicrous speeds.