I am not concerned about silence.
My family and I, and many other patriots in your youtube comment section
https://youtu.be/fRhINA2CuXc –
are very Pissed Off at PDJT, and not for any of the usual libtard reasons.
No, We are very angry at you for promoting vaccines, masks, and social distancing.
I am now taking him at his word.
I don't care what kind of games you are playing, (you) need to cut the BullShit. We aren't waiting around for some cryptic games any longer. This is having vast negative effects on my entire family, especially my son.
I assure you, no matter who tries forcefully, or coerces us into receiving an injection, they will be treated with instant street justice that equal to what a child molester oughta receive. Consequences be damned.
You keep your fucking masks, social distancing, & poisonous mark away from my kid.
So help me God.
My oath to the constitution commands no less. You'ed better take your's more seriously.
One Nation Under God is the only Nation that has my allegiance.