Anonymous ID: 12193e July 31, 2020, 4:38 p.m. No.10143670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3681

The Truth as I see it. I supported the Q movement since 2017, losing Many close friends and professional associations along the way. Every one of my Social Media accounts have been blocked or shut down. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. I used digital Camouflage before it was cool, but after 18 Twitter accounts it gets a little ridiculous. I had the FBI show up to my front door when I called out Valerie Jarrett telegraphing a no fun mall in California. He didn't even know who she was. He thought he could intimidate me, but after showing him my records and Air Force One Badge, he backed off. 23+ years I served on active duty. I was fighting Al Qaeda in 1995, kicked off and closed down the Iraq War. Now I'm damn near divorce and blowing my fucking head off because I am silenced on all fronts regarding anything Q, POTUS, LOVE OF COUNTRY, POSITIVITY PERIOD. I get called a Shill here on the Boards. And everyone is a NEGATIVE ENTITY. The only thing that keeps me from suck starting my .45 is GOD and the Hope in the Goodness of people. It's looking bleak. I served the Good, saw the very worst of Humanity while doing so. Then come back and retire into civilian life to have the Country that I love tear itself apart. The mystic cryptic B.S. is cute for a while, but action, public action needs to be taken to give people hope that something is actually being done to right the wrongs we've all seen. Otherwise it's all shadow conjecture and crying wolf. I am 100% disabled (PTSD), but I can still doorkick with the best of them. But a bunch of Red bull swilling keyboard faggots aren't going to be any good when the power goes out. But muh UPS will keep my computer on! Not when the fiber gets cut Dildo Assassins! The only SUBTERRANEAN ops you have experience with is breaking your thumb whilst it's up your ass when (You) fall off the bed capping to porn posts on this electronic detritus. Civil Militias need to be mustered, formed, outfitted and readied. (Train, Organized and Equipped). Training and Drilling takes time, it cannot be last minute Walking Dead B.S. or Good people will be injured, maimed and killed just like this ad hoc crap. Baker's can't even number the fucking breads right. Much less run this like a SIGACTS or even a simple Police BLOTTER. But noooooo violence is forbidden, it's just over the next hill, that Golden City…. Temporal CHANGE, is only effected by TEMPORAL ACTION. Otherwise it's one let down after another. But maybe that's the end goal….keeping sucking that greasy back alley cock for that Sweet Sweet crack-rock, waiting for that next drop, hint or crumb. I'm fucking out. I'm voting for Trump, but the rest of this horseshit is mental and spiritual Poison. The troubadours and scribes didn't win ANY of the Wars, nor Battles. Men with Balls did. Enjoy your 12-monkeys circle Jerk.