POTUS did well, and btw, he's looking well, also, as if he's lost some weight. Good for him.
POTUS did well, and btw, he's looking well, also, as if he's lost some weight. Good for him.
Gee, if that's the reasoning, now we know why they invented Mini-Cooper's. And they call Q a conspiracy theory?
She may be casting Majick. She's casting the Evil Eye, and also raising a protective gesture for herself at the same time:
"Evil eye, glance believed to have the ability to cause injury or death to those on whom it falls…"
"Measures taken to ward off the evil eye vary widely between cultures….some authorities suggest…the purpose of ritual cross-dressing….is to avert the evil eye. Asian children sometimes have their faces blackened, especially near the eyes, for protection. Among some Asian and African peoples the evil eye is particularly dreaded while eating and drinking, because soul loss is thought to be more prevalent when the mouth is open; in these cultures, the ingestion of substances is either a solitary activity or takes place only with the immediate family and behind locked doors. Other means of protection, common to many traditions, include the consumptionof protective foodstuffs or decoctions;the wearing of sacred texts, amulets, charms, or talismans….the use of certain hand gestures;and the display of ritual drawings or objects'."
"Surely God did not say you cannot eat this fruit….., c'mon, eat it, you can be as gods, knowing good and evil…."
"Surely God did not say you cannot eat this fruit….., c'mon, eat it, you can be as gods, knowing good and evil…."
Except that "crossing" oneself isn't really Christian. It is just another form of Majick. No Prophet or Apostle ever taught Majick.
It wasn't an apple either. It was knowledge other than that of, and in opposition to, God's. That's why it was called the tree of "knowledge".