Hey Anons, been missing you, things are finally really starting to happen out there, and today and I am waiting around for my daughter to give birth. I can't be there with her because of this fake-ass COVID BS, because Libtards are fucking power hungry losers.
My first grandchild and I can't be there because LIBS are so fucking corrupt and retarded. I can't when the time comes that I CAN UNLEASH on them..
I am also trying to be Happy today about this occasion, but this day would NOT have gone this way had it not been for those losers. Not to mention she has to wear a FUCKING MASK DURING LABOR. how fucked up is that????
Just had to vent, It's hard, I am just pacing around at her house as close to the hospital as I can be, all alone.
Within an hour or two I will be a grandmother and will be ecstatic when that moment arrives, but I will never forget their evil scar they also placed on this day.