Anonymous ID: b3b8ea Aug. 4, 2020, 5:55 a.m. No.10178092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8138



Try this custom JS that put in (PB) for ya. Works great phonefaggin


$(document).ready(function () {

// Get a list of all the postID's in this bread

var posts = [];


var updatePosts = function () {

posts = [];

// Get the OP ID of this bread

var OP = parseInt($(' a.post_no:eq(1)').text());



$('').find('a.post_no:eq(1)').each(function () {

var postID = parseInt($(this).text());





// Interate all posts and look for links to update

var showPBLinks = function () {

$(this).find('div.body a:not([rel="nofollow"])').each(function () {

var postID;

if (postID = $(this).text().match(/^>>(\d+)$/))

postID = parseInt(postID[1]);




// Search the posts array for this post

var isInBread = $.inArray(postID, posts);


if (isInBread === -1) {

$(this).after(' <small>(PB)</small>');





// Make it go




// allow to work with auto-reload.js, etc.

$(document).on('new_post', function (e, post) {

if ($(post).is('')) {




else {






Anonymous ID: b3b8ea Aug. 4, 2020, 6:07 a.m. No.10178131   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>George Nader


Americans watched in disbelief as Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler went on attack mode against U.S. Attorney General William Barr during the Judicial House Committee hearing this month.


Some of the disbelief was with Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats leader and why she would allow Nadler to be in charge of anything after his past ineptness with the Mueller investigation Russia hoax. She had to demote him for his performance in the January 2020 Trump impeachment attempt.


Millions of viewers have been scratching their heads all week trying to determine why Nadler and the Democrats have an axe to grind.


Maybe it’s because Barr’s Justice Department’s Washington Field Office has been investigating the case involving the indictment of Democratic operatives used to illegally fund millions in foreign money for Democrats that was dispersed among leaders and politicans in their party.


Leaders such as Hillary Clinton, Corey Booker, Adam Schiff, Job Tester and Ted Lieu benefited from these illegal funds. Practically every state’s Democrat organization accepted these monies.


In December 2019, most of the Mainstream Media missed or barely reported on the indictment of eight of these operatives.


Barr made a fool out of Nadler’s attempt to damage his integrity only to embarrass himself in front of the nation again.


According to the DOJs Release Number 19-1336, Deputy Chief John D. Keller and Trial Attorneys James C. Mann and Michael J. Romano of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section are prosecuting the case.


>George Nader

Convicted child molester George Nader, who was a key witness in the Mueller investigation, was one of the individuals charged. Nader is known as a middleman for middle eastern sheiks seeking influence with Democrats. Records reveal he was a major contributor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.


The indictment was “unsealed against the CEO of an online payment processing company, and seven others, charging them with conspiring to make and conceal conduit and excessive campaign contributions, and related offenses, during the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and thereafter.“


“A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja, 48, of Los Angeles, California, on Nov. 7, 2019, along with George Nader, Roy Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad “Moe” Diab, Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill and Thayne Whipple“.


[img Khawaja and Nader]


“The 53 count indictment charges Khawaja with two counts of conspiracy, three counts of making conduit contributions, three counts of causing excessive contributions, 13 counts of making false statements, 13 counts of causing false records to be filed, and one count of obstruction of a federal grand jury investigation.”


“Nader is charged with conspiring with Khawaja to make conduit campaign contributions, and related offenses.”


“Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple are charged with conspiring with Khawaja and each other to make conduit campaign contributions and conceal excessive contributions, and related offenses.”


Illegal foreign funds to Democratic leaders under investigation.

According to the indictment, from March 2016 through January 2017, Khawaja conspired with Nader to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in campaign contributions, directed to political committees associated with a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election. By design, these contributions appeared to be in the names of Khawaja, his wife, and his company. In reality, they allegedly were funded by Nader. Khawaja and Nader allegedly made these contributions in an effort to gain influence with high-level political figures, including the candidate. As Khawaja and Nader arranged these payments, Nader allegedly reported to an official from a foreign government about his efforts to gain influence.”


“The indictment also alleges that, from March 2016 through 2018, Khawaja conspired with Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple to conceal Khawaja’s excessive contributions, which totaled more than $1.8 million, to various political committees.”


“Among other things, these contributions allegedly allowed Khawaja to host a private fundraiser for a presidential candidate in 2016 and a private fundraising dinner for an elected official in 2018.”


“The indictment further alleges that, from June 2019 through July 2019, Khawaja obstructed a grand jury investigation of this matter in the District of Columbia. Knowing that a witness had been called to testify before the grand jury, Khawaja allegedly provided that witness with false information about Nader and his connection to Khawaja’s company. Boulos, Diab, Hill, and Whipple also are charged with obstructing the grand jury’s investigation by lying to the FBI.”