What states have the good fireworks?
Any kind I want?
Anyting you want.
Watch the catch?
Pic related is your re-elected (60+%) Circuit Attorney
Neither Durham, nor any specific report, was mentioned.
That tweet went a little too far.
POTUS did say breathtaking which is new, tho.
Lou mentioned Barr/Durham, but POTUS kept his answer generic.
"I do hear what they found is breathtaking and hope it comes out soon".
It's not bad news, but it's also not much different than the other answers POTUS has given previously re: this either. *
Except for the breathtaking part.
>up to the AG
He's said that before, too.
My only issue is with the OP Twat was that it was sensationalized to be something newer/bigger than it really is.
In STL City the Primary is the General.
Many other such cases in the USA - maybe after 2020 things will change but for now still status quo in the big blue Dim cities.