Context: Absurd reinforcement of perceived baker trust to hide their insidious intentions to control the flow of information.
shit.ship clown crew:
Floods the board with grotesque +/ rage inducing subliminals / posts to instill the feeling of revolt, to push as many viewers away as possible.
So that the shit.ship clown crew can:
Offer 'notable' collection sites to those who are pushed away, as a means to censor the insights organically produced on the board.
Goal complete: Censor the insights that damage the narrative too much.
Spread awareness to other controllers of events / insights that can be manipulated out of being threats.
95% of those that post 'tyb[betrayer] posts are the crew themselves
imagine that infected chlamydi[n]a smell
The problem is that you want to give credit to demons for the work We individually do~
Demons are bitches, they whore themselves for power to the highest snake oil salesman. No credit, no thanks, no appreciation is due to them, for its US who do the Work