i'm a boomer
never wore mask
I go on BAU, don't slow down - if they don't wanna check me out, I drop the stuff on the counter and leave…
take my business elsewhere
I wave at cops in masks and they haven't done a thing but wave back
from what I have encountered, it is the big corporate chains that are the issue - they are firing their local managers up all about this
local owned businesses comply by making their employees wear them to avoid hassle, but they don't care if you are barefaced…except a very few Karens
I did get a can of soup thrown at me by a full-on melting down millennial mommy last week.
caught the can of soup, rolled it back to her…she tried to kick it and stubbed the crap out of her toe.
I just smiled, and she could see my smile because I was barefaced af…
keks galore