recently read about how after a 'movement' was successful to suppress Catholics the freemasons would do 'free speech' satanistic mocking.
wasn't sure if it was real or misinformation.
I decided it didn't meet the test, so I didn't post about it or provide a link to a PDF.
recently I found an accademic book about Maya stella and it was filed with photographs. I remembver seeing one at a 'university' I was impressed with it till I read the plauge and it said it was cast of one.
So I tried tolook for the particular title on line to see if I could find if it would be worth purchasing the thrift store book is it rare? can I sell it? is it worth saving?
Instead I found a pdf by the simthsonian, and it wasn't from there. It was filled up with low grade scans.
And honestly it all looked fake to me, the scan was too 'good', like it what that jerk Hot Wheels does, he makes fonts so pepole can fake old books (my guess, why else does he do 'every letter is a little bit different' fonts?).
any way so the maya book PDF looked fake, and the book with the part about free mason boasting looked fake.
the internet is filled up with that crap.