>>10261496 (lb)
> hear hear
My mother was molested at an early age. The damage this caused in an age when "hush hush" by family members was the norm & the failure to treat made it an issue we all dealt with.
As an adult, I worked for a short time in a position where I was in a room notating information, where in another room, children were recounting sexual abuse to investigators. Some of those stories will not leave me.
There is no earthly justice that will suffice to bring amends to the pain caused to children who experienced it. But, execution will suffice. Execution through Law & Order. And anyone who dares throw Godspeak to this can go straight to hell.
Deuteronomy 17:2-5, Deuteronomy 13:6-16, Numbers 31, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, Luke 19:27
And yes, I know the difference between the law of God before Jesus and after Jesus. There is no level of virtue signaling that will sway a departure from this stance in this age where we have learned that so many children were abused, manipulated to serve in that demented way, &/or sacrificed while our hearts were beating on planet earth.
I pray God is using this time to call upon His faithful to exact His holy vindication & righteous anger against those who would dare to commit such evil against children.
Thank God for President Trump & all Patriots who work alongside him.