A bloo bloo bloo
Fuck that dumb bitch. She's just as bad as Bibi
Get over yourself. Israel just nuked Beirut and put 3 tanks over the border. Your feelings are dickall
It's the fucking Rothschilds and their upper echelon pals
What do you mean that isn't our problem? Do you even understand how many wars they've dragged us into on purpose? Dumb fuck
>I wouldn't even waste my breath on this obvious distraction from what's happening at home.
What's happening here is the distraction.
>They are not our problem unless we allow them to be our problem.
Israel is the reason behind all of our problems
>Can we not fall for it for just this once?
Depends on how hard you and your pals are willing to work at shutting it down
Litmus test fail
Jones defends Israel, he doesn't talk about what they've done to the world and America.
>Two, don't cover it, talk about it or react to it unless they bring it here again.
They bring it here every single day you dumb cunt
Geeze you can't get much more attractive than LDR! Wow so hot and totally not a ghoul
>Are you suggesting we should get in the business of a foreign country on a whim?
That's a good question to ask Israel, considering they send countless agents here to pose as politicians that pass laws that directly affect US lives? And have for over 70 years?
Are you concerned?
>It isn't quite that simple
It is. Cut funding to Israel and never pay them another dollar to subvert and harm American lives. Bada bing bada boom
Yes and what tribe of people brought that horseshit into the modern era again?
Let China deal with who?
Idiot I'm referring to the specific tribes of Israel that betrayed Moses while he was on the mountain. That carried knowledge from Egypt into Babylon and so on