I did a search of the bill and found nothing about mandatory vaccines however if another anon finds something let me know
I did a search of the bill and found nothing about mandatory vaccines however if another anon finds something let me know
Anderson Cooper basically saying no rational thought matters here on the breads kek!
How does this have to do with Big Mike?
Did he just say if Trump wins Q will "go away?"
If true kek but wait isn't she/he speaking at dnc? as announced speaker so how would they choose as their VP pick?
idk if I quite believe it. However don't they vote for VP at the dnc in a week from today?
Anons, I can't put my finger on it but I just feel like they're going to have Kamala as their [DS] potus pick at the dnc. Why? They're treating her like they did with Obama when he announced. However they could change the pick. I mean why is the MSM so excited when Biden "picked" her?
Mentioning it on their network brings more sheep here to be woken up right? So kind of bad on their end to talk about Q am I right?
She's from California though. Are they worried about losing California in the election? I'm thinking that as well. I could be wrong but who knows.
But why did they [DS] pick her? I don't understand that. They can say well she's black and a woman etc. But WHY her if she's from California?
Q could be here whoever wins imo. At this point who knows
how tf did potus pick her? Makes no sense to me anon
California under the microscope now?
Can you elaborate how Trump chose her? Do you mean he asked her in person or something? or they think she'll beat Trump?
Patriots in [DS] would explain a lot
Sounds very 007 ish to me
Look I know there are supposed to be coincidences but come on? Honestly I'll believe it when I see it. Also isn't she ineligible to run or something?
Rush has been saying for years it's going to be Michelle Obama. I wonder if he's a patriot.
Potus said boom boom boom today at the presser? same sentence? sauce please?
Why are there not more super imposed video memes of potus?
Then why the possible comms with the sharks?
Was that meant for us to dig though or to trust Q's plan?
Hmm.. good point. Either way would they use dnc to change pick or wait until just before election? Very hard for anon to see