Hey anons only here for a brief time but wanted to spread some good will. So my new job requires that I travel amongst fellow Americans talking with them and asking questions. I had to go to a location predominantly black (I am middle aged and white, young men and old women. I said hello and greeted them with respect, they greeted me back with respect (the young black men) I went over to the older black ladies, same greeting same pleasantries. On my way out said goodbye to the young group of black men same pleasant greetings….met with many people today of all races age groups and genders. All were willing to help without reward. Many were lighthearted and joked about our present situation with all of the protocols put in place. Such a wonderful working around average Americans. We are a special bunch in this beautiful country. What we see on the news and the television is one big lie…Don't believe it. People are inherently good and want to engage with one another. That was what i learned today and generally they want to help.