Anonymous ID: ed3d91 Aug. 12, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.10269373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9380 >>9384 >>9394 >>9425 >>9426 >>9438 >>9457 >>9643

Got 63 pages on the Crimson Contagion Joint Exercise.

It's not supposed to be public, whoops.

Remember Event 201?

The training exercise for the covid-19 epidemic?

What if someone told you all involved parties were informed of everything that would happen and what their job will be when it happens, which it has and they've done.

You didn't think that 'plandemic' was just an Infowars-tier meme, did you? Almost every elite and major institution knew this pandemic was coming since Q4 2019, with responses tailored towards achieving certain outbreak outcomes in different countries that would help prepare the foundations for a post-pandemic NWO.


You didn't think it was just a coincidence that South Korea, which just so happens to have a corona response that gets held up as a mythical gold standard just so happened to wargame it a couple months before Daegu blew up? Or how about the entirety of Event 201 and how virtually every Western country has followed its recommendations to a tee even though it included counter-productive bullshit like allowing free travel for as long as possible in the initial spreading stage?


It's also why the institutions and players who stand to gain from this pandemic being as bad as possible until their chosen remedies fix things get so apoplectic over places that go off-script and pull through without conforming to their narratives. Because they don't give a shit over whether or not you get your lungs fucked for life, they want to rule you as a helpless serf after the dust settles.