God is Orderly.
Spring Festivals
First Coming of Jesus Christ, aka Yehoshua HaMoshiac
Passover [Nisan 14, 32 AD]: Jesus, the Lamb of God, is slain for the sins of the world.
Unleavened Bread [Nisan 15, 32 AD]: Jesus' body lays dead in a tomb, Jesus visits the captive dead in Hades/Paradise/Elysian Fields/Bosom of Abraham.
First Fruits [Nisan 17, 32 AD]: Jesus rises from the dead, walks out of the tomb, sacrifice accepted by the Father.
Pentecost [Sivan 6, 32 AD]: Holy Spirit falls on the apostles waiting in the Upper Room; Peter preaches in tongues; 3,000+ men are saved.
Pentecost, the Church Age, began then, and runs to [today +1].
That concludes the first visit of Jesus to the earth.
Fall Festivals
Second Coming of Jesus Christ/Yehoshua HaMoshiac
Feast of Trumpets/RoshHashana [Tishrei 1-2, 202_]. 100 blasts of the trumpet/shofar/ram's horn. 9 x 11, then the 100th, the longest and most significantthe Last Trump.
The Rapture: Jesus calls His believers up into the clouds, takes us to heaven with Him.
Yom Kippur [Tishrei 10, 202_]: Day of Atonement before the Judgment, to try to live another year in the Book of Life.
The Troubles of Jacob. 7 years of hell on earth. Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, God's wrath poured out on the world.
Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot [Tishrei 15, 202_]: Celebrate Escape from Egypt/Exodus/Harvest.
The Second Coming of Christ Jesus.