Anonymous ID: 187b25 Aug. 14, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.10286407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6553 >>6701

>>10285558 (lb)

>which may upend our current theories about galactic formation and evolution.

Ya think?

Only been several decades since plasma physicists successfully recreated galactic structures in a lab setting using electricity.

But tell me moar about theoretical bull shit, while charging me gorillions of dollars to listen to baseless, made-up non-sense.

Anonymous ID: 187b25 Aug. 14, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.10286739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6760 >>6791




>she did not ask who Q was

>she asked if he believes what the congress woman believes about the Qanon theory. Stupid question. Like POTUS knows whats in her


Bitch was trying to trap POTUS.

MSM has been spending the last two years trying to mold the Q movement into a boogeyman.

Our desire to be "officially" validated often clouds our judgement on whether or not Q needs to be directly addressed by POTUS.

I don't think the actual validation that "Q is real" is even remotely necessary.

So long as Justice is actually served. That moar than constitutes as "validation" in it of itself.

We were never here to be praised. That is not part of our mission.

All that matters is setting things right, while preserving our Country, and all that it stands for, for future generations.


In all honesty, when considering the timing, they are not trying to ask POTUS about QAnon to portray Trump or Q as a hero-type figure. They are trying to lump them both into the role of super-villain, whom must be stopped at all costs, lest we hand over rule to "the crazies".

Not meant to demean. Just trying to explain the angles.


You know damn well they had multiple chances to ask POTUS about Q over the last few years. And POTUS could've really said whatever he wanted at any given time regarding the subject. POTUS had/has reasons he needs to distance for [optics] and what-not. MSM is asking NOW to try to smear Trump, yet again, prior to the election. Possibly even as an attempt to say he was part of the "conspiracy" to meddle in our elections, attack his opponents, circumvent normie-way of fake-news-washing the mass-opinions via "free press", etc.