From Rudy Giuliani's Twitter today
3 on the left, 2 and 2 on the right
Middle finger (big dick) on the number 5
There is NO step 5
Step 2 of 4 is coming
Sony? What are they involved in?
Bling ring on 3rd finger (NY World Series see image)
Is step 3 a rapper signed with Sony?
On his watch it is 3:04
Day 304 of this year is October 30.
In Drop #1 10/30 is an important date (see image)
Drop came at minute :44
Q's crumb 44 is:
Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.
It so happens that 10/30/2020 is a Friday
And see the 3 2 2 in the date there?
Eyes Closed, mouth shut, ears covered
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil?
Or is he blind justice listening to the evil at a HEARING?
Blue shirt, blue book cover indicates Water = Info
Presumably the info is about a psychiatric disorder
Only a very few diagnoses allow one to escape prosecution
Someone is brushing up on the details here
Perhaps one of the big bad wolves has a plan
And step 5 is to pull out DSM-5
And say, you can't convict me because I'm crazy!