With all due respect, that statement depends entirely on your idea of what God is.
The veracity of any statement is totally dependent on the definitions of the words that are used. Statements are like equations. Think algebra. You're making statements that are using "variables," so whether or not your conclusion is correct depends on how those variables are defined. If your definition of the variables is wrong, so is your conclusion.
Take it or leave it, I'm not looking for a debate.
Hard work, dedication, and sacrifice are important and absolutely to be fostered, cultivated, and encouraged. On that, we can agree.
We are a danger to illusions. We are a danger to false worldview. Difficult truth is always threatening to those who are still asleep.
>Have you guys heard the audio from that event?
Sounds like, "Do you have any idea how horny I am to be standing next to a 13-year-old girl?"