Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.10364363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4377 >>4405 >>4855

Trump ON FIRE in PA: “They Want to Cancel You, Take Your Job, Turn Your Family Against You While They Indoctrinate Your Children with Twisted World Views”


President Trump on Thursday spoke at an event in Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania as part of his four-state campaign tour this week.


In a jab to Biden, Trump chose to speak near Biden’s hometown on the same day Biden will be accepting the Democrat nomination.


There was a massive turnout of Trump supporters lining both side of the street to Trump’s event near Biden’s hometown.


President Trump was on fire on Thursday as he spoke to his supporters at the Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport in Avoca, Pennsylvania.


The President understands the threat from the Marxists who control the Democrat party.


“They want to cancel you, take your job, turn your family against you, while they indoctrinate your children with twisted world views,” Trump said.

Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.10364391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4837

Pompeo Blasts European Allies As "Siding With Ayatollahs" After Rejecting Iran 'Snapback Sanctions'


Apparently still reeling from last week's United Nations Security Council vote where the door was forever shut on the US bid to indefinitely extend the UN arms embargo on Iran, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Thursday remarks blasted Washington's European allies at a moment he's attempting to trigger "snapback sanctions".


In a news conference from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), he charged that Germany, France and the UK are hypocritical in supposedly expressing private support for the US position, while at the UN they publicly “chose to side with Ayatollahs” against the controversial procedure to uphold the punitive action rooted in the JCPOA.


It should be recalled in last Friday's initial vote which triggered what many see as but more Washington desperation while Europe largely stands by the terms of the Obama-era nuclear deal, only the tiny Dominican Republic voted "yes" to extend the weapons embargo alongside the US. What's more, Europe is now vehemently opposing Pompeo's controversial procedure to reimpose UN sanctions on Tehran.


He's specifically responding to the latest actions of Britain, France and Germany, all who say—


The US did not have the legal right to trigger the so-called "snapback" of sanctions because it withdrew from the Iranian nuclear accord in 2018.


Ironically, Pompeo is claiming authority to initiate a procedure which is ultimately based on the US still being a participant in the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA) with Iran, but obviously the Trump administration withdrew in May 2018.


Pompeo lashed out in response late Thursday, saying:


"No country but US has the courage and conviction to put forward a resolution. Instead, they chose to side with ayatollahs."


“The United States will never allow the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism to freely buy and sell planes, tanks, missiles and other kinds of conventional weapons,” Pompeo asserted in New York. “We will never allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to have a nuclear weapon,” he emphasized during the UNSC address.

Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 5:48 p.m. No.10364406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4436

The Global Elite Have Far More Control Over Us Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine


No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you probably agree that the global elite have too much power and influence. It has been said that “money is power”, and today that seems to be more true than ever. Those at the very, very top of the pyramid dictate the rules of the game for the rest of us, and there isn’t too much that the rest of us can do about it. When we talk about how the global elite dominate our lives, the focus tends to be on how they influence national governments, but the truth is that is one of the areas where the global elite have the least control. I know that may sound strange, but I believe that things will become clearer by the end of this article.


I would submit that corporations are the primary vehicle that the elite use to control our lives. In fact, many global corporations are now larger and more powerful than most national governments, and collectively the network of global corporations that dominates the planet is far larger and far more powerful than any single national government.


A number of years ago, a remarkable study was conducted that closely examined the interconnecting relationships of major corporations all over the world. That study discovered that a network of 1,318 enormous companies dominated the global economy, and it also found that 147 colossal corporations at the core of that web formed a “super-entity” that controlled 40 percent of the entire network…


Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20. What’s more, although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 appeared to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world’s large blue chip and manufacturing firms – the “real” economy – representing a further 60 per cent of global revenues.


When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a “super-entity” of 147 even more tightly knit companies – all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity – that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. “In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network,” says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.


Of course at the very top are the ultra-wealthy individuals that own and control the gigantic corporations that make up the “super-entity”.


This is why our major corporations all seem to have the same values. At the very top their ownerships are all interlinked, and so trying to fundamentally change the culture of these massive institutions is nearly impossible.

Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.10364449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4548

Clinton Foundation trends as conservatives counter Steve Bannon charges with reminder Dems may ALSO have crimes to investigate


Following the arrest of former Trump campaign strategist Steve Bannon on money laundering charges, conservatives took to social media to complain the alleged crimes of the Clintons and other Democrats are being ignored.


Bannon was arrested on Thursday and charged in Manhattan federal court with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering. The charges, which carry a prison sentence of up to 20 years, stemmed from his alleged misuse of funds donated to build a wall on the US border with Mexico.


He’s hardly the first Trump associate to be hauled off in handcuffs, and while liberals celebrated the indictment with a social media victory lap, conservatives cried foul at what they saw as one-sided prosecution of their “side” – particularly with regard to New York’s Southern District Court.


Democrats commit fraud, too, they pointed out, zeroing in on former president and first lady Bill and Hillary Clinton and their Clinton Foundation nonprofit – a “pay to play slush fund,” as one commenter described it. Many argued that the Clintons were protected by the “obviously corrupt” New York courts.



Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 5:57 p.m. No.10364504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4572

Thousands of Pounds of Meth Seized from ‘Super Panga’ Off California Coast


A coordinated effort between a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations (AMO) aircrew and U.S. Border Patrol agents led to the seizure of “thousands of pounds” of suspected methamphetamine.


An AMO Multi-Role Enforcement Aircraft aircrew from the San Diego Air and Marine Branch patrolling the California coastline near Santa Barbara during the early morning hours of August 19 observed a “super panga” with four people on board. As the boat approached the beach, the AMO aircrew relayed the information to U.S. Border Patrol agents, according to a preliminary statement from U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials.


The Border Patrol agents interdicted the landing party and arrested all four subjects. Onboard the multi-engine super panga, agents found “thousands of pounds of suspected methamphetamine,” officials reported.


Breitbart Texas reached out to San Diego Sector CBP officials for more details about the meth-smuggling incident. Officials responded saying that the information on the weight and value of the drugs seized was still under investigation. They could not provide any additional information at this time.


“The citizens of this country can rest assured that CBP is ever vigilant in their duty to protect the American people and stand ready to combat those criminals that would deliver this poison to our streets, saving American lives,” San Diego Air and Marine Branch Timothy Sutherland Director said in the prepared statement.


“The SDAMB has already made a big impact in the illicit drugs entering via California this fiscal year,” San Diego Air and Marine Branch officials stated. “In FY20 year to date through July 31, SDAMB has contributed to the seizure of 480 lbs. of cocaine, 199,307 lbs. of marijuana, 191 lbs. fentanyl, 114 lbs. of heroin, and 2,948 lbs. of methamphetamine. SDAMB seized, 80 weapons, 81 vehicles/vessels, and contributed to the apprehension of 2,618 individuals.”


Breitbart Texas reports extensively on the efforts of the Air and Marine Operations units along the U.S. Mexico border and in off-shore drug interdictions.


Just three weeks ago, an AMO aircrew from the San Diego Sector interdicted another shipment of methamphetamine headed to the California coast, Breitbart Texas reported.

Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.10364581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4858 >>4890

Exclusive: Carter Page Reacts To Clinesmith Guilty Plea, Says There’s More To Come


On Thursday’s episode of “The Sara Carter Show,” Former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page first reacted to the news of former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith’s guilty plea before a federal court this week. Clinesmith could face up to six months in prison for altering the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants used to spy on Page in order to obtain dirt on the Campaign, which he admitted to before the Judge.


Page told Carter of Clinesmith’s plea, “Sara, to me and I think, as you’ve been correctly reporting accurately for years now. I’m still not sure now why you haven’t received a Pulitzer prize for your incredible work whereas a lot of people from the New York Times and Washington Post have, but… as you’ve been saying for a long time, there’s a lot more to come.”


He added, “And I think what’s really nice about what happened last Friday. It really was a turning point. And if you read those five pages in the charging document against Mr. Clinesmith and the elements to that… there’s a lot of interesting clues and… having lived through it, I know there’s a lot more interesting clues as well… This is definitely another indication that there should be so much more to come.”


Moreover, Page says he’s feeling more “optimistic” about what’s to come from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the now-debunked ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.10364674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lawsuit Alleges Epstein Used Bill Clinton’s Name To Intimidate 15-Year-Old Girl Into ‘Vicious, Prolonged Sexual Assault’


Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein intimidated a 15-year-old girl by using former President Bill Clinton’s name, a lawsuit filed last year alleged.


Epstein accuser Jane Doe 15 alleged in the lawsuit that Epstein name-dropped Clinton when he was allegedly grooming her aboard the “Lolita Express,” Epstein’s private jet, the New York Post reported.


Through the name dropping, the lawsuit alleges, “Epstein conveyed to Jane Doe 15 how powerful he was and how helpful he could be in assisting Jane Doe 15 with her future goals, such as paying for college,” the Post reported.


“Using this overwhelming power he had over Jane Doe 15, Epstein subjected her to a vicious, prolonged sexual assault,” the accuser said, the publication reported.


“Epstein made clear to Jane Doe 15 how powerful he was,” the lawsuit filed against Epstein’s estate reportedly said. “He made a point of mentioning that he was close with Bill Clinton.”


The filing said that after Epstein name-dropped Clinton, he took 15-year-old Jane Doe into the bedroom on the Lolita Express where he allegedly bragged about how women would sleep at his feet on the large mattress, comments that “made her immediately think of slaves,” according to the Post.


Jane Doe alleged that he continuously reminded her about his powerful connections, saying at a press conference according to the Post, “When I chose a seat on the jet, Jeffrey told me that his good friend, Bill Clinton, always chose to sit.”

Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.10364714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4798

Expert Analysis on Steve Bannon: “He Faces Essentially the Same Odds in New York as He Would Have Had Under the Soviet Judiciary”


Today’s announcement that Steve Bannon is being indicted by the Southern District of New York for a variety of ‘fraud’ accusations related to fundraising for “We Build the Wall” is causing some, such as the Biden campaign chair, to barely contain their glee, commenting to USA Today that “no one needed an indictment to know that Steve Bannon is a fraud.” More accurately, though, is that few need to read the indictment to know that the politicization of the DOJ by elements of the radical left has been its own long-running fraud.


Indictment Link:


USA Today link:


A good friend of mine, a former employer, Congressman Steve Stockman received a federal ten year prison sentence for crimes he did not commit, in a trial that was a circus. He received horrible legal counsel at trial, because most federal criminal defense attorneys are not prepared for a political trial. Similarly, Gen. Michael Flynn pled guilty on the advice of counsel to crimes he did not commit due to a setup that uncovered notes now revealed was instigated by former President Obama while in office, and he struggles now simply to have the charges dismissed even though the prosecutors are on his side. The federal judicial process is so broken for defendants caught in its web, that it often seems to even the innocent that the only option is to accept any plea.


The plea rate in federal criminal cases is 95%, the conviction rate for the few cases that go to trial is similarly around 95%. The conviction rate in the Soviet Union was only four points higher.


During the Stockman trial I saw the federal prosecutor’s tactics up close. I saw them threaten people to comply with their demands to testify or else they would face prosecution. When witnesses wouldn’t comply, they called the Sheriff on their spouse when they weren’t home, to ask them to investigate fake ‘child endangerment’ claims. I knew people who had years of tax problems that mysteriously went away once they testified the right way. These are the tactics they deploy regularly to get the testimony they want, guaranteeing the sky-high conviction rate.


As an attorney I regularly interact with people who have varying degrees of knowledge about the law. Many know that specific crimes have specific elements, that have to be met before you are guilty of a crime. You can’t be guilty of an assault if there was no contact and someone didn’t perceive the threat, for example. But for federal fraud, interestingly, there are no elements. Federal fraud also has no model jury instructions, because courts want prosecutors to have the flexibility to capture complex schemes. The effect of this fluidity, then, is to empower prosecutors who want to go after someone for political reasons, to have the disposable catch-all law to do it with, since federal fraud effectively becomes any financial transaction that federal prosecutors don’t like.

Anonymous ID: d10693 Aug. 20, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.10364787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Westfield closes 129 stores run by Mosaic Group over rental dispute


Hundreds of workers have been left in the lurch after the shopping mall giant locked down popular stores over a bitter rent dispute.


Westfield’s parent company has closed dozens of shops – including Rivers, Noni B, Katies, Millers and Crossroads – as a nasty rent spat escalates.


Scentre Group, the parent company of the Westfield chain, made the call to temporarily lock down stores owned by Mosaic Brands, leaving more than 400 jobs on the line.


The dispute arose after Mosaic and several other brands either refused to pay rent or only paid a lower rate while COVID-19 lockdowns were in place.


Mosaic chairman Richard Facioni condemned the landlord’s decision to halt trading in the current retail climate.


“These actions are extremely disappointing, given the current environment, and difficult to comprehend in the context of a relationship that spans close to 40 years,” he said in a statement sent to


“Mosaic continues to conduct rental negotiations in good faith with all landlords, including Scentre Group, in the spirit of sharing the burden of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, consistent with Government recommendations.”