ID: edcd37 Aug. 20, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.10364760   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Young people in Japan prefer cold sake today anon. OGs drink it warm. Yakuza like single malts Glenfiddich or Suntory premium Scotch. Or mummia.

ID: edcd37 Aug. 20, 2020, 6:22 p.m. No.10364823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interesting tactic.

ans Probably.

whether anyone will/would IDK


>Upgrades to letter mail processing equipment have enabled IM barcode capabilities. The new data-rich environment is a significant step forward in letter mail tracking. Preparation for the deployment of new letter cancellation equipment continued. Deployment of 550 Advanced Facer Canceller System (AFCS) 200 machines is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2010. The AFCS 200 will replace older letter cancellation equipment and improve performance by reducing handling in downstream processing operations.


>A project is underway to convert excess carrier sequence barcode sorters into low-cost reject encoding equipment. Mail with unreadable barcodes is currently labeled by outdated letter mail labeling machine technology. The new equipment will cover an unreadable barcode with a white label, interpret the mailing address, and apply the correct barcode. The Central Repair Facility in Topeka is manufacturing the low-cost reject equipment that will be deployed starting in 2010.


>Testing was completed to determine machinability requirements for letter-size booklets, called “Slim Jims.” The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) was updated to incorporate the new letter-size booklet machinability requirements, which went into effect on September 8.


>Flat Mail Automation

>New ink jet canceller modification kits were installed on 230 Automated Flat Sorting Machine (AFSM) 100s located at over 200 sites to enable the equipment to cancel postage on flat-size envelopes and eliminate other manual and mechanical cancellation.


>Under the Flat Recognition Improvement Program, testing of the next AFSM 100 software release was conducted to increase read rates and reduce error rates, resulting in fewer misdirected mailpieces. Deployment was scheduled for October 2009.


>Flats Sequencing System

>Designed to fully automate the sorting of flat mail into carrier walk sequence, the production FSS was initially put into live operational service in the Northern Virginia Dulles facility. Eight additional systems began operation in Dulles, Columbus, Kansas City, and Phoenix. By year end, FSS processing has expanded to over 2,255 routes in more than 76 delivery units. Even though the first year of FSS operation has helped identify opportunities to fine-tune operational planning and methods, the potential of FSS that fully performs to contract requirements is evident: route adjustments will eliminate full-time routes; equipment used by carriers to sort flat mail will be reduced; and vehicles will be reduced or redeployed.