Anonymous ID: 52696e Aug. 21, 2020, 2:25 a.m. No.10369176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10366969 (pb)


State leadership, especially Democrat state leadership does whatever the pharmaceutical companies ask. If flu shots INCREASE the risk of serious responses to coronavirus or if they INCREASE the risk of other respiratory infections (scientific evidence says they do) then mandated flu shots are not just a bonanza in themselves for "Big Pharma" but the side effects and other illnesses they cause are, too.


I think state legislators are seriously out of touch with the electorate. Anti-vaccine concerns are growing exponentially. I have been following the medical health freedom movement for some time and folks like Twila Brase, Del Bigtree and Robert Kennedy Jr. have been working overtime to preserve our rights, with some very notable successes. However, the pharmaceutical companies are attacking us in every state. Over and over again the views of the public are completely ignored (as is legitimate science) in the insane juggernaut of forced injections.


Del basically said on his show, The HighWire, that if you cannot choose what gets injected into your body or the body of your child you are not free. Right on.


RFK, Jr announced a lawsuit against Merck for a Gardasil injury yesterday. The opportunity to sue a pharmaceutical company was pretty much eliminated by the 1986 Act removing liability from pharmaceutical companies for vaccine injuries (making it legal and desirable to intentionally cause chronic disease via vaccination). However, it is still possible to sue, apparently, for FRAUD. I hope anyone vaccinated with Gardasil will get assistance for the probably inevitable (except by miracles of God) lifetime health consequences.


It is pretty easy to control and even traffic people who are too debilitated to protect themselves. Vaccination (and fluoridation) drop IQs and lead to a population that is chronically ill and dependent. Virtually all chronic conditions for which we pay thousands and millions of dollars to care for, especially using exorbitant patented pharmaceutical drugs, are knowingly caused by vaccination. I'm thinking Humira and all auto-immune drugs, asthma treatments (especially epipens) and allergy drugs and treatments. Not to mention Vyvance and ADHD meds, too. Now I've learned that the new hep B vaccine causes heart attacks. Big Pharma (and the worldwide consumers of humans) LOVE killing us slowly for profit.

Anonymous ID: 52696e Aug. 21, 2020, 2:33 a.m. No.10369205   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't know if there are any other causes, but Type 1 diabetes is caused by vaccinations. This has been shown by research demonstrating increases in incidence following certain shots.