>Is that partially why we are pulling troops back home? It makes you think.
>My biggest fear is some UN general from Namibia running a massive pile of US troops on US soil under UN control.
The other day I had a funny thought about all this.
The other day I was thinking…. remember all the UN tanks and military equipment on all those trains all over the country coming in from all the ports for the Jade Helm exercise a number of years back during Obama admin?
The population was pretty freaked out. (pic related)
But then…..
Think about the 16 year plan.
We never saw train loads of equipment LEAVE… right?
I didn't. Correct me if I missed something.
Anyway, if they did not make as much noise with an equally massive exodus, then, where did all that equipment go? I don't recall train loads leaving.
Anyone else?
If YOU were using the Jade Helm exercise as a pretext to place UN military equipment for a future attack on the US, and you wanted to quiet the public down about all the heavy foreign military equipment on US soil, where would YOU put it?
Four letters.
Then, I got to thinking, after Trump was elected, there were so many strange non nuclear explosions we were tracking. You have to wonder….what would our military do about all that foreign equipment?
What would WE suggest?
What if all those rods from god were hitting the DUMB tunnel openings, and the US Military locked up the whole UN military equipment down deep underground where the globalists can't get to it anymore?
What if our troop underground training had another purpose?
What if the UN just lost most of it's military equipment deep in the US DUMB tunnels?
How exactly did Trump rebuild the US military so fast?
Just thoughts.
Put a smile on my face tho.