Theory on Operation WarpSpeed:
Source: Today's WH press briefing Re: FDA approval of convalescent plasma.
Plasma is the 'liquid' (Azar I am guessing knew he was going to be attacked as racist by saying "white blood cells", so he said 'liquid'…hey I would likely do that too, which is not give an evil media any excuse to falsely smear me, it's just the scientific term used in every textbook in biology while I was in school) in a human being's bloodstream.
100 years in use for other treatments.
I think Op Warpspeed is being supported by a source of information that is providing incriminating Intel on
bad actors at the FDA who are just the latest managers of a long time "way too much delay…years and years…pattern of keeping population sicker than it otherwise would have been.
The data on wether convalescent plasma works exists, so, one theory on what could have happened is that a timed disclosure of information may have prevented a corrupted delay of plasma to treat cv-19.
Cure flood incoming?