i would never take plasma especially with the blood contamination factors and with places letting faggots donate now. Fuck that shit.
agree to many pieces moving around still, this might still be a feint, and as you said if this is out there HCQ won't matter so it can just get pushed onto the OTC table. Just have to hold till we know more.
there are major cases in multiple countries that they are trying to silence i know of one in england where people died from tainted blood transfusions. What ever this tactic is i will never take this treatment.
>>10395355 bullshit
i forgot about that and while we are talking about the tainted blood supply could this circle back to faucci and his aids connections?
i agree there is more to this, but i just would not trust the blood supply, this is for me personally, but if there is a health reason for it and others choose to fine great. not for me. But this could also tie into why they were pushing the blood drives a few months back heavy. Either way. no thank you.