also, if you've been treated with previous flu vaccines, breathing in your own respiration all day long will trigger dormant viruses setting them off live reinfecting yourself.
Dr. Mikovits, just came out with a book on the mask wearing subject, illustrated by Ben Garrison.
I would refer you to her interview with John B Wells a week or so ago, she went into great detail how wearing a mask is the fucking worst thing you could along with getting vaccines.
I've listened to many interviews by her and other supporting doctors. She spells it out and it's quite horrifying.
I refuse to wear the mask when going out, I use the excuse 'Medical Exemption', works most of the time when shopping.
I see everyone tipping their hat to the State in complete ignorance while they wear their death trap cloth mask and don't even realize they run the risk of infecting themselves. The cloth mask is not only useless but adds to the very problem they try to avoid.
exactly, the symbolism is historic on such a mass scale and the speed in which it was deployed.
nothing new, been going on for decades, which is the reason our minds can't wrap around the brain dead decisions that have been made in all 3 branches over the years.
blackmail is one of the most effective tools for demon seeds to get their agenda's passed.
what's revealed to the public has nothing to do with what's going on behind the curtain.
nothing is ever what it seems.
just think of the 'cabal', they've been around for a long time and they've been brilliant in their strategies and know the psychology of human nature in the herd perfectly. They've had the FBI/DOJ protection with no fear of indictment or prosecutions. Judges, Policy makers, Senators, bureaucrats in their pocket for their agenda not ours.
honestly it would take an act of God to clean this crap up.