Anonymous ID: 1ba734 Aug. 24, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.10409117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9155 >>9217 >>9352 >>9394 >>9537 >>9660

Biden's brother bought 1 acre on Water Island where marked on the map for $150,000 in May 2005.

Subdivided the land into three parcels;

Was granted road access through government owned land;

Sold one to a lobbyist for $150,000 in May 2006 making ALL his money back in one year.

Very strange.

Still owns the other two.


Questions I can't answer and don't have time to research as full on working in War Room.


What is the significance of the road access?

What is the significance of the 12 months?

When during that 12 month period was the access sought?

When during that 12 month period was the access granted?

Does owning land with road access grant the land owner certain privileges?

Was the road access just for the property sold or for all three of them?


My problem is I am an Ausanon and don't know where to look for this info, but in my gut I know this is significant.


The other thing is, I am confused about submarine bases and where they exist.

I made the attached meme and thought I made a mistake (and may have) which is the reason for my research.

Any help clarifying where sub bases are would help with future memes or correcting the one attached here.

Are there bases on Water Island?

The WWII one on St Thomas is clarified… Is it still there and active?

Is there underground access from the sub base to the airport?

