Anonymous ID: bf2618 Aug. 24, 2020, 8:11 p.m. No.10409410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9472 >>9498 >>9537 >>9660

Planned Parenthood Staff Admit To Performing Illegal Partial-Birth Abortions For Better Tissue Harvesting


In a new video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) Monday, Planned Parenthood officials give sworn testimony describing how abortionists alter abortion procedures in order to produce more intact human fetuses and, therefore, more usable fetal tissues and organs that can be sold for profit. In 2015, the CMP and journalist and activist David Daleiden released a series of videos featuring undercover conversations with Planned Parenthood officials and medical directors. Planned Parenthood and their media allies decried the undercover videos as “edited” and claimed their late-term abortion practices were in complete compliance with the law. As attorney general of California, current vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, prosecuted Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s crimes. Now, newly unsealed videos of deposition testimonies show these same Planned Parenthood employees confirming under oath what they previously admitted to Daleiden about abortion and fetal tissue harvesting. In the latest video, Planned Parenthood officials testify about their use of paperwork loopholes to feign compliance with federal partial-birth abortion law, as well as how they alter their abortion techniques to obtain intact organs.


It is against federal law to perform partial-birth abortions and considered a felony to perform an abortion in which a living fetus is extracted intact from the womb only to be killed in the process of delivery. Tram Nguyen, a vice president for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston, Texas, explained how abortionists can skirt partial-birth abortion laws when delivering an intact fetus by signing a statement saying that was not their “intent.” “The PPFA Medical Standards and Guidelines tell the abortion provider to just mark in the patient medical record that the doctor intended to use dismemberment on the fetus,” Daleiden said in the video. “Planned Parenthood abortion providers describe this intent statement as just a routine checkbox.” Under oath, Nguyen answers “yes,” that she understood an abortion provider could provide an intact fetus so long as the form was signed. When asked if it is true that intact abortions occur in spite of the form, Nguyen admits, “It is true.” In an undercover video released in 2015, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, former medical director for Planned Parenthood Los Angles (PPLA) and current medical director at Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, described how Planned Parenthood doctors can use ultrasound to flip a fetus’s delivery position in order to obtain more intact organs. She later denied these types of abortion procedures were used by Planned Parenthood when questioned in a congressional investigation launched into abortion practices.


In the newly unsealed video of her sworn testimony, however, Nucatola confirms that during abortions she would alter where she crushes a fetus with her forceps to keep certain organs intact: “If I was aware that it was a donation case, yes.” When asked about her 2015 description of flipping fetuses into the breech position, and how “we’ve pretty successful with that,” Nucatola admitted, “I was referring to PPLA,” and “Yes, including me, I worked at PPLA.” A third sworn testimony from the former medical direct of PPLA, Dr. Mary Gatter, admits there was discussion among Planned Parenthood abortionists whether patient consent forms permitted them to change their “technique” in order to harvest higher-quality human tissue from aborted fetuses. “By the time I met Mr. Daleiden and his associates, I had evolved in my thinking to think that changing the technique to get better tissue was allowed,” Gatter said. In a statement on the latest sworn depositions, Daleiden said, “Planned Parenthood reflexively proclaims innocence to the public and to a compliant establishment press, but when Planned Parenthood abortion leadership is placed under oath, they testify to crimes against women and infants. Criminality in the national taxpayer-funded abortion industry will continue to spread unless federal authorities hold them accountable once and for all.”

Anonymous ID: bf2618 Aug. 24, 2020, 8:27 p.m. No.10409608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9660

Kamala Harris Furiously Backpedals Over Eliminating Private Health Insurance


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) slick-talked her way around the topic of eliminating private health insurance, after she received gentle pushback from ABC News' David Muir over her false claim that she doesn't want to eliminate private health insurance. "I ask you this because you have pressure from the Left, you have pressure from the center, you’re trying to appeal to Republicans, and so on sort of the evolution on the issues when you talk about health care that you see eye to eye—do you see a day where private insurance would go away as you once proposed?" asked Muir. "No," Harris claimed, despite her public record of supporting the elimination of private healthcare. "And in fact that my plan, when I was running, was that we would not eliminate private insurance," she continued - adding "And Joe and I –" "Even though you signed on for Medicare for All?" Muir interjected - to which Harris performed a whiplash-inducing pivot. "I signed on to that. I signed on to a number of bills that were about great ideas to fix the problem," she replied. "I want to fix the problem. And Joe has a plan to fix the problem, and I’m fully supportive of it."


The Daily Wire's Ryan Saavedra notes Harris's very public stance on eliminating private health insurance - which she's casually discarded heading into the 2020 election (emphasis ours): Harris was “the first Democrat to announce she’ll co-sponsor Sen. Bernie Sanders’ single-payer health care bill when it’s introduced in September,” CNN reported in 2017. The New York Times reported in March 2019: At the heart of the “Medicare for all” proposals championed by Senator Bernie Sanders and many Democrats is a revolutionary idea: Abolish private health insurance. … But doing away with an entire industry would also be profoundly disruptive. The private health insurance business employs at least a half a million people, covers about 250 million Americans, and generates roughly a trillion dollars in revenues. Its companies’ stocks are a staple of the mutual funds that make up millions of Americans’ retirement savings. … Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Kamala Harris of California, and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts co-sponsored Mr. Sanders’s bill in the last Congress. … The concept, in broad strokes, appeals to many Democratic voters. But overall support diminishes by a third or more when people are told that the plan would involve eliminating private insurance, raising taxes, or requiring waits to obtain medical care, according to surveys from the Kaiser Family Foundation.


During a debate in June 2019, the candidates were asked “Who here would abolish [employer-provided] health insurance in favor of a government-run plan?” Harris raised her hand, but then tried to walk it back the next day. In an 2019 NBC News report titled, “Kamala Harris wants to end private health insurance, a new Democratic litmus test,” NBC News highlighted remarks that Harris made during a town hall event. “The idea is that everyone gets access to medical care, and you don’t have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require,” Harris said. “Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on.” The next day, Harris again tried to walk back her remarks after facing backlash from other Democrats who said that they did not support it. In short, they're trying to play both sides - and the left has begun to notice.

Anonymous ID: bf2618 Aug. 24, 2020, 8:29 p.m. No.10409629   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed, although this is not the worst of her crimes she should be in jail for this and moar..for the rest of her sad sorry life. What will she ever do without any men around!