Anonymous ID: d3594e Aug. 24, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.10409216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9282 >>9352 >>9537 >>9660

If you have any friends or loved ones with children in Tennessee, this may be of interest to you:


School District To Force Parents To Sign Waiver Agreeing Not To Monitor Their Children’s Virtual Instruction


"Rutherford County Schools (RCS), a school district in Tennessee is requiring parents to sign a consent form that says they agree not to monitor their children’s online classroom sessions, claiming concerns that “non-student observers” might hear confidential information."




Of course, the justification, as always, is 'privacy'. It's always for 'privacy' when teachers don't want you to know what the hell it is your kids are being taught. If they have nothing to hide, let their activities be in the open. Parents have a right to know.


From the article, TN Star:


"While the form does not declare that parents can’t be present during online classes, it does threaten that a “violation of this agreement may result in RCS removing my child from the virtual meeting.”


So, apparently parents can watch what their children are learning as long as they’re OK with their kids being booted out of class.


The school district also warned parents not to record virtual instruction.




If as parents, you are sick of this kind of shit, look into Hillsdale College K-12 home-school curriculum. Or contact @MarshaBlackburn office. Or both.


You're kids deserve better than this.