Anonymous ID: d9c5df Aug. 24, 2020, 7:45 p.m. No.10409025   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9082 >>9142

How To Use The Deadly Results Of Trump's Rallies Against The RNC

Let's bust Team Trump for failures to protect venue workers & the media from COVID-19 at the RNC.


Rachel Maddow gave an almost giddy recitation of all the laws that the RNC might break, from Melania Trump’s speech in the White House Rose Garden to using a Federal Building for partisan purposes. But one of the most deadly might be if they allow more than 50 people to be inside at the same time.


The current scuttlebutt is that multiple people will be attending in person at both DC AND North Carolina venues. Depending on the venue local and Federal laws on mask mandates & the number of people allowed at indoor gatherings could be broken. Who will be sent to ensure compliance? The Mayor of D.C.? The Mayor of Charlotte? The Surgeon General?

Anonymous ID: d9c5df Aug. 24, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.10409293   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Guess Who Obama Hosted at the White House? Hint, He's a Terrorist Connected to the Recent U.S. Embassy Attack

Article from January 2020 - friendly reminder to Americans


It turns out $400 million in cash, delivered by an unmarked plane in the middle of the night on palettes and a nuclear deal that eventually leads to a bomb, aren't the only things President Obama gave to the murderous Iranian regime during his tenure in the White House.


Earlier this week Iranian backed militia leader Hadi Al-Amiri, who is also an Iraqi government official, participated in the attack against the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.


In 2011,Al-Amiri visited the White House. Not only that, he made it into the Oval Office.


Meanwhile,Obama's pro-Iran echo chamber has been criticizing the Trumpadminsitration's maximum pressure campaign against the regime and is all but blaming the United States for the recent embassy attack in Baghdad.