Since the House of Representatives has failed to address the concerns of the American People by refusing to address Term Limits and refusing to condemn the actions of Antifa and Black Lives Matter while chasing after "conspiracy theories" I call for a Convention of the States under Article V of the United States Constitution.
If the Delegates to the Convention of the States find it needful, then a Constitutional Convention is in order whereas the House of Representatives may be dissolved and Federal Government restructured
The riots in American cities have gone on far enough. Mayors and Governors have not acted, and the House has refused to act for the General Welfare and the Common Defense.
I call for the Convention of the States,and possible Constitutional Convention, be convened no later than the 15th of September, 2020. The Election of 2020 is to be cancelled and new Election dates will be set either in the Convention of the States or the Constitutional Convention.
When Government refuses to do the duties entrusted to them by We the People then it falls to the Citizens to replace such a government