they want civil war really bad but it will be a nightmare for them
for the most part we should stay home, if our neighborhoods are attacking then we will defend them. But it is stupid to go out and look for trouble.
Our enemy wants to draw us out into the streets, they want deaths, they want chaos, they need a boogeyman to pin this one. Don't give them one, they are it.
You don't go out and do patriot things when that's what your enemy wants at that time.
it's actually illegal to do in my state now but I am target shooting and getting in better physical shape
not scared but I am not going to be lured to jail over the riots
and tons of veterans and police as well
Some were also wearing "Security" patches at previous riots
we are smarter, it's the bad actors coming here and goading us on
clear self defense
Don't you all know you are just supposed to lay down and die when confronted by peaceful protesters with weapons.
That's why I prefer heavier caliber rifles that will go through multiple people. Tends to stop the shooting back part.
If they were going to fake a shooting they would have made the guy with the rifle be the aggressor so they could demonize "vigilantes." This video exonerates him
my neighborhood is heavily armed, we have hunters, vets, police and even a secret service agent. We will be OK.
a little, we need to talk more though
wife is an attorney and lots of friends that are too
It's not unexplained, Q said it had to be this way to wake people up. If Trump goes into the cities he is a "dictator." That's what they want, a violent confrontation with Trump's troops. Right now they are destroying their own people and it is having a bad effect on their cause.
I do lol I am pretty smart too
I live in the SWAMP so not a good idea to come here but there are lots of good people in the outer suburbs
So today so far we have beaten back a couple shill attacks. !) Trying to get us all to go down a fake rabbit hole regarding the RNC convention footage. 2) Trying to stir up anons to go fight in the streets to become props for Soros.
#) The muh joos attack is relentless and they will probably never stop but they are losers in their basements on minimum wage from shareblue