gan, gonfirm
tunnels below sea level? get a brian morans.
kek, understand, was broad. check day after blast photos verse this fake photo with the timbers and moon dust dry dirt at the bottom of the hole.
ok i will enlighten, day after blast crater was full of water. =my point.
i get ya, i doubt it was a underwater bomb from sub you would have a crater closer to the water.
That wasnt a warehouse chemical explosion. that was a bomb. notice i didnt say nuclear. (for karen)
could have been from below, like you are saying, but an underwater tunnel requires a lot of infrastructure to make work. not feasible
>pop goes the weasel
precisely my point, no pressure vessels in the areaโฆ to make teh pop. (propane tanks, etc)
also no fuel type fireball jus vaporโฆ. is de bomba.
no, its just faggots trying to start a war.