Anonymous ID: 4f212a Aug. 26, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.10428766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10424508 (PB)

Obama is NOT "President Obama" he's "Ex-President Obama". Fuck off, Lemon.

>>10424543 (PB)

Potential for him to be a cop / agent provocateur. The cops didn't stop him because they knew him.

>>10424590 (PB)

I know the boundaries I am willing to protect and it sure as hell doesn't include running with a rifle down the middle of a highway 1,500 miles from home.

>>10424607 (PB)

Bullshit, there is NO TIME to respond after the perp decides to shoot the officer. If they refuse to drop their weapon when ordered to do so, or reach for one at any point after the confrontation begins, they are planning on using it. Waiting is what gets cops killed.

It takes TWO to deescalate. He refused to do his part.

>>10424615 (PB)

Just a graze. Will make combing his hair awkward for a while but might be enough to (finally!!) get him laid. With a woman this time.

>>10425103 (PB)

That shooter looked a little too good to be an amateur. Among other things, he cleared a jam damned fast and shot the guy in the arm holding the pistol.

Not the chest … the arm.

All while rolling around on the ground.

There aren't very many places a civilian can learn to do that sort of shooting.

>>10425133 (PB)

Hey asshole … "Japan" never said any such thing. Take your stupid with you when you leave.