I have updated and corrected after more video/info has come out. PLEASE USE THIS ONE, the first one is now outdated so please don't keep using that one. Thank you anons.
Media can't say anything. This is locked up SO TIGHT that its almost a perfect computer-generated outcome.
-This MINOR child of 17, goes to help neighboring town beset by riots (which are based on yet another media lie).
-BTW, he is listed as Hispanic.
-Cops are not in control in Kenosha, the rioters are, so there is conservative narrative reason to go..if we needed one.
-Wisconsin is an open carry state, but that is N/A to long guns anyway.
-Wisconsin doesn't regulate long guns except certificates for hunting, and short-barrels. Wisconsans hunt… And there is no prohibition for 16 and 17 year olds to carry long guns. They just can't purchase. He's in legal possession of a rifle.
-Kid obviously knows this. He's interviewed by riot-watchers early in the evening and explains why he's there, that he has a medic kit, and that he is armed because its a danger zone. He's careful to point out his medic kit and that it is a danger zone. (PoM#1.)
-Americans are free to travel between states without papers or permission, so he can be at this public thoroughfare if he wishes..he can be wherever he wants to be. After all, the rioters are there, so if they can be there, so can everyone else.
-There are NO federal regulations covering interstate transport of guns. (This is not a conjecture, ask ATF.)
-But his attorney Lin Wood has now stated the gun was a friend's and always in Wisconsin, so that is moot.
-When the convicted felony pedophile ADULT chases him and throws something at the kid. The kid is fleeing and he is being chased.
-Kid is jumped and attacked from behind by pedophile in the parking lot. Kid turns when grabbed. Pedophile grabs his gun. He has the (PoM#2) to shoot only after…a/ he's been chased and…b/ is under physical attack and attempted to be disarmed by the ADULT criminal pedo.
-There are other shots going off, and other people observed with guns drawn and pointed in Kyle/pedo's direction. (beanie-beard guy)
-Criminal/rioter/pedo goes down. Kid has (PoM#3) to quick check on Pedophile, make sure someone else is looking after Pedo (PoM#4) AND GET ON THE PHONE. He makes a phone call! Im going to lay money he called 911. (PoM#5).
Alright Im going to pause here. 17 years old and you've shot someone in self defense, and you have the PoM–PRESENCE OF MIND to care for them first. This kid doesn't even break stride after checking Pedophile. He GOES BACK TO TRIGGER DISCIPLINE (very noticeable with his blue gloves) (PoM#6) and walks away from Pedophile.