Did you knew the Seal of Salomon (aka: Star of David) was also by Muslims?
See pic 4.
Islam has no place in the West.
Pics related why.
Make sure you read them all because if you don't you won't understand the dangers of Islam in the West.
And if you want even more verifiable evidence on the fact that Islam has no place at all in the West, make sure you read Professor.Kafir's essays on Islam here:
More on why Islam has no place in the West.
Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Mossad and Israel
Fifth Redacted Name in Rosenstein’s Scope Memo Identified as Walid Phares–Sheds light on Obama's Iran deal
Thus, Obama's pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance can be reconciled with Mossad/Israel's support for Obama's clearly pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance.
"Phares is speaking out for the first time, suggesting that one of the motives of those who made the allegations and sustained the investigation was to hamper the early Trump presidency’s foreign policy goals, including the 45th president’s long-promised plan to cancel the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal.
“In my view, the push against the Trump campaign, and then the transition, and then the administration was on behalf of those who wanted to defend the Iran deal, to protect the interests of the Iran deal,” Phares told Just the News."
Why does this matter?
Pre-Israel Jews created the Muslim Brotherhood to sow discord within the Muslim world (see graphics)[Infiltration vs Invasion]. Following the creation of the State of Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood became an operational asset of Mossad/Israel.
The Muslim Brotherhood, throughout most of the time since the Iranian Revolution, prior to Obama, has never been able to align itself with the post-revolution leadership of Iran. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2019/01/24/what-irans-1979-revolution-meant-for-the-muslim-brotherhood/
Anons will find it interesting to read the above Brookings article through the lens that the Muslim Brotherhood is a Mossad operation…in which case, of course the Muslim Brotherhood would be disheartened by the development of an authoritarian Iranian regime following the Iranian Revolution, for how would the Muslim Brotherhood (Mossad) sow Muslim v Muslim discontent in the face of such an authoritarian regime.
This also explains why Obama & the pro-Muslim Brotherhood camp were able to rise to the pinnacle of power within the US Deep State, when the MSM and many Deep State politicians and technocrats are themselves agents and/or assets of Mossad.
Gain of influence for the Muslim Brotherhood, is gain of influence for Mossad. Obama's Iran deal, not only put money into the coffers of Deep State/Mossad agents and/or assets and/or operations, but set the stage for a greater gain of influence of Muslim Brotherhood in Iran. Obama a great friend of Iran, Obama a great friend of the Muslim Brotherhood, ergo Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood are drawn closer together.
"On Monday, the Intercept and the New York Times released a joint report detailing Iran’s cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood through the Quds Force, Iran’s elite expeditionary branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps"
On a positive note, guess who ends up dead, not long after this report was published-Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani
Israel/Mossad doesn't want Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, neither does any sane group of people…but perhaps the central motivating goal of Obama's Iran deal was to increase the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood within the Iranian regime, so that the tried and true Mossad playbook can be enacted, foment social unrest, divide and conquer.
Anons having considered the above, consider the following (through the lens that Mossad is the hand moving the Muslim Brotherhood):
In a December 2015 speech to the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of CAIR, urged American Muslims to support the cause of Black Lives Matter, saying:
“Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”
At the same event, MAS leader, Khalilah Sabra urged “revolution” and compared the situation in the U.S. to the MB-led Arab Spring revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. She made the following disturbing remarks: “We are the community that staged a revolution across the world; if we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?”
[Infiltration in place of Invasion]- Mossad
>Jewish collective power doesn't exist.
Try harder, low IQ Israeli shill.
Thanks for being so stupid.
The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
Joe Biden has said that he himself and Obama are both extremely pro-Israel.
https://archive.vn/szuFL - "Biden reassures Florida Jews on Israel"
https://archive.vn/GhSwJ - "Sen. Joe Biden reiterates support for Israel at two South Florida rallies"
Obama signed a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over 10 years.
https://archive.vn/CA7gU - "U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid"
Obama said "The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” at a synagogue in 2015.
https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president "
Obama was very very close to the extremely zionist Rahm Emanuel.
https://archive.vn/Yqy7p - "Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chieff of Staff"
https://archive.vn/bsK8P - “Obama Hailed as a 'Mensch' After Moving Speech at NYC Synagogue: 'Be Kind. Be Useful. Be Fearless'”
https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president"
As US President Barack Obama stood before the packed synagogue sanctuary, a white kippa comfortably atop his head, he spoke of the impact that images of kibbutzim, Israel’s founders and the 1967 war had on him as he was coming of age.
“To a young man like me, grappling with his own identity, recognizing the scars of race here in this nation, inspired by the Civil Rights struggle, the idea that you could be grounded in your history, as Israel was, but not be trapped by it, to be able to repair the world – that idea was liberating. The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” Obama said that day, speaking in 2015 at my own synagogue, Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC, in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.
https://archive.vn/TlQsV - "William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives"
William Kristol’s magazine shut down. Kristol’s conservative magazine that was against Trump did so because he was a neocon who wanted to spill American blood to alter the Middle East to protect Israel in a way that could never be accomplished. He wrote the book to justify the Iraq War. I knew Kristol personally. I found him arrogant and unwilling to change his position. What he called “conservativism” was extreme right-wing dominate the world stuff.
I have stated that the neocons will support the Democrats who are no means economically conservative provided they will support invading the Middle East and spilling American blood for his theory. His open letter stated:
“The Republican party allowed Donald Trump to capture it in 2016. This has been, I trust you agree, very bad for our country. As for the party, I’m not sure we’ll ever get it back on path to a decent and healthy American conservatism. It would be bad if Democrats went down a parallel path. America deserves better than a choice between an authoritarian populist of the right and a socialist populist of the left.”
Kristol is by no means an economic conservative. He will accept anyone who will invade the Middle East. His magazine shut down because he is so focused on invading the Middle East and has no respect for American soldiers or the economy. His magazine, which was once influential, shut down because of this extremist neocon view. He has been against Trump solely because of his pulling back troops from the Middle East.
Kristol is by no means an economic conservative. He has openly said he is voting for Joe Biden. He knows Trump is against war and the Democrats will always engage in war if the price is right. Obama was given the peace prize for just being the first Black President. He then advocated invading Syria and numerous military actions. Obama was trying to carry out the agenda of the neocons.
Rahm Emanuel (connected to Obama):
http://archive.vn/RaLKq – “Rahm Emanuel’s Father Specialized in Terrorist Bus Bombings in Palestine”
A quote from that article:
Emanuel’s father Benjamin was part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden’s Count [Folke] Bernadotte in ’48. Bernadotte was the UN envoy in Palestine who sought to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land to Jews from “beyond the pale.”
Benjamin Emanuel, a Jew from Russia whose real name was Ezekiel Auerbach, was arrested by British police for terrorist activities in the months prior to Israeli independence
http://archive.vn/0gAaU – “RAHM EMANUEL: Ardent Zionist called Obama’s ‘Svengali’”
Some screecaps from the chans regarding Rham Emanuel:
More proofs that Jewish collective power does not exist, like at all, ok? So stop talking about it.
Reminder that some people consider the 1st amend anti-Semitic.
See pic #4 where a Jew makes a death threat against an American citizen for daring to use her free speech.
Speaking of Satanism:
Judaism is based of racial supremacism, approves of pedophilia and forces parents to commit child abuse in the form of genital mutilation via forced circumcision.
Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”
Here is one of the Jewish rituals who has given several babies herpes, which has gotten some of them killed.
The ritual consists of the rabbi cutting the child's foreskin, making it bleed even more by pinching it with their nails, and then taking the children's penis, inserting it into their mouths and suck on it.
It's calledMetzitzah b'peh
I never said all Jews are bad.
It's not the Jews per-se, it's Jewish collective power.
There are some racial Jews who can integrate into the West, if they reject Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, but zionism (which is just another word for Jewish ethno-Nationalism) and Judaism have no place in the West.
Don't worry, if Jewish collective power doesn't exist, then we're going to terminate something that doesn't exist for you, so you have nothing to worry about.
The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
Speaking of Marxism, Jews created, financed and spread modern Communism (Marxism).
Speaking of racism, pics related.
Jesus might have been a racial Jew (some say He wasn't), but He was against all Judaism stood for, that's why Jews (as in followers of Judaism) had Him killed.
BTW, it is illegal to try to convert a Jew to Christianity in Israel.
Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him.
600+ Jewish groups just signed this full-page @nytimes ad: “We say unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.”
The signers represent over half of Jewish people in the U.S., proudly supporting #BlackLivesMatter and the fight for Black liberation. #Jews4BlackLives
>Your narrative is intended to convey the message that Jews as such are bad.
If me posting mere verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion lead you to believe said facts might make people think all Jews are bad, then you must really think about what the way you are interpreting things tells you about how you think about Jews.
Try harder with the pilpul, low IQ Israeli shill.
PS: Israel comes last :)
https://archive.vn/GoPrP - “One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust”
https://archive.vn/OJtpO - “Poll finds only 41% of Americans view Israeli government favorably”
https://archive.vn/RzXfE - “New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade”
>Republican voter support for Israel decreasing at a faster rate than democratic voter support for Israel
https://archive.vn/n3o9d - “Nobel Prize Winner’s Book On Holocaust Dropped From School Curriculum In Hungary”
https://archive.vn/AYMGq - “Professor Fired For Claiming Zionists Were Behind 9-11 Receives Settlement For Wrongful Dismissal”
https://archive.vn/62zZl - “Truth Is Winning: Over 9 Million Italians Now Convinced The ‘Holocaust’ Never Even Happened”
https://archive.vn/d2Fcu - “Poll: Labour members say anti-Semitism crisis “invented” ”
http://archive.vn/pJSXY - “Belgian Newspaper Accuses Israelis Of Playing The ‘Holocaust Card’ To Silence Its Critics”
https://archive.vn/aJO7a - “Success! New Survey Shows Over 100 Million Europeans Believe A Secret Jewish Cabal Controls The World”
>"Encouragingly, the results were based on relatively affluent and middle class White Europeans, and did not include the much more antisemitic Muslims who live in these ‘no-go zones’ that were not included because even the jewish survey takers were afraid to go into them."
https://archive.vn/iQkXu - "Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter Was One Of The First ‘Holocaust Deniers’"
>"Jan Karski, a Polish resistance fighter revered by Jews as “the first eye witnesses to the Holocaust,” actually failed to convince jewish U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter, of the credibility of this testimony during a secret meeting in Washington in 1942"
Over 600 Jewish Groups Declare Their Support for Black Lives Matter Terror Uprising
Over 600 Jewish groups came together last week to take out a full-page ad in the New York Times declaring their unequivocal support for the Black Lives Matter terror uprising that is tearing America apart.
“We support the Black-led movement in this country that is calling for accountability and transparency from the government and law enforcement. We know that freedom and safety for any of us depends on the freedom and safety of all of us,” the letter read, which was published in the Times on Friday.
“As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews,” the letter continued.
Audrey Sasson, the executive director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, said that opponents of Black Lives Matter are guilty of anti-Semitism.
“We were starting to see the far-right concoct conspiracy theories that Black Lives Matter was being manipulated by Globalists and Marxists in an anti-Semitic attempt to undermine the Black-led movement,” Sasson said.
“This brought an opportunity to unequivocally state as a large swath of Jewish community organizations that we stand behind Black Lives Matter and that any attempt to divide that movement will not land,” she added.
However, the organizers of Black Lives Matter have been explicit in their Marxist intentions from the outset.
Big League Politics has reported about Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors’ stunning admission that she is a “trained Marxist” agitating toward the destruction of the U.S. Bill of Rights and Constitution:
Patrisse Cullors, a woman who is credited as the co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM), confirmed during a recent appearance with The Real News that the movement was conceived by “trained Marxists” pushing an agenda of communist revolution.
“We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and [BLM co-founder Alicia Garza] in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists,” Cullors said.
“We are super versed on all sorts of ideological theories, and I think that what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” she added…
BLM’s own website contains a great deal of Marxist language and is littered with buzzwords commonly used by practitioners of the godless, anti-American ideology. They maintain that their movement is focused “on issues concerning racial injustice, police brutality, criminal justice reform, Black immigration, economic injustice, LGBTQIA+ and human rights, environmental injustice, access to healthcare, access to quality education, and voting rights and suppression.”
The terror group has even received pointers from the Nelson Mandela Foundation, named after the terrorist and communist pawn who seized control over South Africa, on how to commit violence to achieve their revolutionary ends…
Cullors and other BLM co-founders need to be jailed and charged with treason for their criminal conspiracy to overthrow the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
These Jewish organizations have effectively endorsed this agenda of left-wing terror and destruction meant to destabilize the U.S.
If you don't like Christianity, GTFO to Israel.
We owe you nothing.
Another Baby Contracts Herpetic Encephalitis From Rabbi Who Sucked Blood From Penis During Circumcision
A three-week-old baby is currently in serious condition at the Bnei Zion Medical Center in Haifa due to a herpetic infection, which began in the genital area and has spread to the brain, leading to convulsions and seizures:
"Laboratory tests found that the infant likely contracted the Type 1 herpes virus during his brit, directly from the mohel, who performed the ceremony using the controversial Orthodox method of blood cleaning known as “Metzitzah B’Peh,” or oral suction.
Director of Pediatrics at Bnei Zion Medical Center, Prof. Itzhak Sarugo, said that “the baby was hospitalized in serious condition, with a visible inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) accompanied by prolonged convulsions and a severe skin infection that started in the groin area where the circumcision was performed.”
The baby was rushed to Bnei Zion Hospital by his parents immediately after they noticed a large infection in the genital area following the brit.
During hospitalization in the pediatric ward, the herpes virus was discovered in both the cerebrospinal fluid and in the lesions that were on the baby’s skin.
During the first three days of hospitalization the infant suffered from numerous seizures despite receiving treatment both for seizures and the virus.
Sarugo said that “the antiviral treatment he received is aimed at destroying the virus in the brain and preventing the inflammation of the nervous system. The baby will have to receive this treatment for the next six months.”
The professor explained that “evidence of newborn herpes infections accompanied by brain infections, and their connection to the oral suction in circumcisions, have been widely described in medical history for the past 200 years.
“The herpes virus can cause a skin infection, which can spread to the brain and cause severe inflammation of the brain and even death,” Sarugo said…
The Talmud writes that a “Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck creates a danger, and should be dismissed from practice.” Rashi, commenting on that Talmudic passage, explains that the purpose of this step is to draw some blood from deep inside the wound, to prevent danger to the baby.
The suction phase in circumcisions today is most often performed by using a small suction tube, similar to the kind found at a dentist’s office, thus avoiding the use of the mouth as recommended by the Pediatric Association and the Ministry of Health.
However, some Orthodox and Hassidic Jewish factions still use the Metzitzah B’Peh method for traditional reasons, since it is one of the four steps to fulfill the mitzvah (commandment)."
So the “holy” Talmud claims that it’s “dangerous” for the child when the rabbi does NOT suck the blood off the baby’s penis, but it doesn’t tell us why it’s “dangerous”.
The Talmud is a refutation of The Torah — a subversion and total inversion of the truth — where the such “wisdom” of the rabbis replaces and supercedes the word of God.
This homosexualized blood ritual goes far to explain why there is a literal child rape epidemic among many Jewish communities.
This blatant disregard for the welfare of children also contributes to the Jewish obsession with pornography — especially gay pornography.
It also goes far to explain why Jews promote homosexuality and gender confusion to our children.
This mutilation and blood-letting of their own children shows a proclivity toward occult violence — including the Jewish ritual murder of Christian children.
Even secular — non-religious — Jews engage in blood rituals.
The Bolshevik Jews murdered Czar Nicholas II and his entire family as part of a Jewish ritual sacrifice, according to mainstream Jewish-owned news sources.
It also confirms the age-old adage that “War is the Jews’ harvest.”
And yet these Babylonian Edomite occultists claim, with a straight face, that they are “God’s chosen people”.
When will this charade end?
Reminder:Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not about hating Jews, although the Israeli shills who hate the truth (because they work for a criminal state) try to paint it that way as a smear job to deflect from the message.
Jewish collective power is the main tool in the cabal tool box.
That's a verifiable fact.
And people are waking up to the fact.
Every one ends up hating the way Jews as a group prey on non-Jews, and how they then play the victim. They don't hate the Jews per-se, they hate how destructive and subversive Jews are as a group, and the damage they do to their Countries and people.
JFK's father knew it.
The 18th POTUS knew it.
Everyone who came into contact with Jews for the past 4000 years knew it.
Pics related.
BLM is a Jewish terror group.
Nixon and Bobby Fischer knew it too.
And antifa is too.
The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia
Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition
Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish
Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews
Any group of Jews is a Satanic group, because Jewish collective power doesn't exist.
That's why all Jewish collective power needs to be terminated, real Jews have no collective power.
Welcome to the D party.
Patton knew it too.
Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.
Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton
On a letter to his wife he commented:
“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”
And in his diary he noted:
“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”
General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:
General George S. Patton was murdered:
"…while Jews take credit for so much good in modern civilization, they must also take their fair share of blame where it is also reasonably merited. Why is this necessary? Because modern Jewry is not an oppressed minority. It is, by all measures, a center of economic and social power, and political control. Virtually all corners of society are effected by Jewish influence. Yet modern Jewish identity continuously screams its alleged disadvantages, configuring as a relentlessly Accusing Finger, constantly demanding demanding attention, demanding concession all rooted in the foundation of the Jewish martyrology tradition. To this day the Jewish community still defames Arabs, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians, and others, including all Gentiles as a categorically “guilty” Other for historical crimes against Jewry.Modern Jewish identity has become a collective aggression, a collective demand, a collective accusation, a collective insistence upon continued, never-ending reparation and further power. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to every story – but the non-Jewish side of history (in its interaction with Jews) is afforded absolutely no forum anywhere in popular culture."
Rational thinking challenge:
If the Holohoax actually happened, and the Allies really did save Jews from evil gas chambers, Jews should be building monuments to their White rescuers and singing their praises. Instead, they write article after article, policy after policy, about how all Whites need to be sterilized and exterminated. They are ungrateful to their liberators. Men charged into machine gun fire to save them, and now they're telling the generations that came after that they all deserve to die for the crime of being White.
Thus begs the following questions:
If the Holohoax was real, and Jews hate their liberators, doesn't that prove Hitler right about them?
Or alternatively, if Jews feel free to attack their liberators and have no guilt in doing so, doesn't that prove the Holohoax never happened?
Video: Bernie Sanders' campaign video was entirely about the Holocaust, not one word about Americans. Welcome to the D party.
Notice that 95% of the Jews in the US are pro-Israel (so although Bernie pretends to try to go against Israel's wishes, he is pandering to a 95% pro-Israel audience):
archive.vn/u5Se5 - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”
95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…
Research conducted in 2013 by Pew showed that 76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.
Jews are fucking stupid.
You can verify that the official version of the Holocaust is a fraud here:
archive.vn/u8OjU – archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT be bound by technical rules of evidence.”
Article 21 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT require PROOF OF FACTS of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.”
http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1001 - “One Third of the Holocaust” - documentary
www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK3AUG87JD0 - “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure”
https://codoh.com/ - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website
https://www.bitchute.com/video/5W6zIPoHcAAs/ - “The "Holocaust" testimonies you DIDN'T hear!”
http://archive.vn/lwbzT - “Florida principal who told parent he 'can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event' is fired”
-History schoolteacher says: "There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them"
https://www.ancreport.com/documentary/spinning-squirrel-how-pysch-warfare-propaganda-became-the-historical-narrative/ - “Spinning Squirrel, How Pysch Warfare Propaganda Became the Historical Narrative”
Good thing that I don't hate Jews and everything I posted is sourced and verifiable :)
Speaking of Hilter, did you knew that JFK was a fan of him?
I am not sure if Hitler was a willing or unwilling puppet for the zionist bankers that wanted the war, but one thing is for sure, he said a lot of things that were true, and still are.
See here:
PS: I'm not a national socialist.
Reminder that 80% of Jews vote Democrat and that the D party gets 50% of its funding from Jews. Proof:
http://archive.vn/1yBpL – “US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic Party”
http://archive.vn/xdbOD – “Pollster: Jews voted Clinton more than any other group”
http://archive.vn/kqBd3 – “BY THE NUMBERS: 3 Key Takeaways from the 2016 Jewish Vote”
http://archive.vn/MpT63 – “Jewish Americans are now the face of Trump resistance”
BTW, ShareBlue is trying to get our Kyle murdered, video: "MAFIA Style HIT Put on Kyle Rittenhouse by Jailhouse Lawyers Speak, a PRISON Group Funded by ActBlue"
>game over
You are right about that :)
https://archive.vn/GoPrP - “One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust”
https://archive.vn/OJtpO - “Poll finds only 41% of Americans view Israeli government favorably”
https://archive.vn/RzXfE - “New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade”
>Republican voter support for Israel decreasing at a faster rate than democratic voter support for Israel
https://archive.vn/n3o9d - “Nobel Prize Winner’s Book On Holocaust Dropped From School Curriculum In Hungary”
https://archive.vn/AYMGq - “Professor Fired For Claiming Zionists Were Behind 9-11 Receives Settlement For Wrongful Dismissal”
https://archive.vn/62zZl - “Truth Is Winning: Over 9 Million Italians Now Convinced The ‘Holocaust’ Never Even Happened”
https://archive.vn/d2Fcu - “Poll: Labour members say anti-Semitism crisis “invented” ”
http://archive.vn/pJSXY - “Belgian Newspaper Accuses Israelis Of Playing The ‘Holocaust Card’ To Silence Its Critics”
https://archive.vn/aJO7a - “Success! New Survey Shows Over 100 Million Europeans Believe A Secret Jewish Cabal Controls The World”
>"Encouragingly, the results were based on relatively affluent and middle class White Europeans, and did not include the much more antisemitic Muslims who live in these ‘no-go zones’ that were not included because even the jewish survey takers were afraid to go into them."
https://archive.vn/iQkXu - "Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter Was One Of The First ‘Holocaust Deniers’"
>"Jan Karski, a Polish resistance fighter revered by Jews as “the first eye witnesses to the Holocaust,” actually failed to convince jewish U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter, of the credibility of this testimony during a secret meeting in Washington in 1942"
Regardless if you are a Christian or not, it is useful that you know about these facts pertaining to Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion. Remember why this is important:
The biggest voting block in the US, the Evangelicals, make up 25% of the US population, and they have been psyoped into supporting the terrorist state of Israel (which was complicit in the 2nd 9/11 attack on the US) for religious reasons via the Scofield Bible, which was commissioned to Scofield by the Rothschild.
And also remember that the True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not the Rothschild created earthly country we call Israel today.
Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel:
http://archive.is/UF27x - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1"
http://archive.is/8xnkU - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2"
Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People:
As the general public makes use of what is left of their free speech (and Trump has promised to the People he would restore their free speech, and he is partially delivering with the allowing of the existence of the 8kun platform), truth being a force of nature, and Israel being a verifiable enemy of the Republic and its People, everyone in the gen pop will turn against Israel sooner rather than later, and because of that the People will start to demand that action is taken to terminate the zionist subversion affecting America and that Israel gets punished for their deeds against America and the American people. If the government, for any reason, is not able to comply with those righteous demands, the People will realize that the government is impotent in the face of the zionist occupation and is incapable of representing them, and they will take up arms against the government to replace it with one that represents them and is thus capable of terminating zionist subversion in the territory and punish Israel (just like the Founding Fathers did with the 13 Colonies government which ruled them without representing them to the benefit of a foreign state).
So one way or the other, Israel is fucked, big time :)
Also related:
https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”
The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.
BLM and antifa are Jewish terror groups.
Still, nobody should be flying flags from other Countries in any Country.
Pics related are some introductory proofs on why Israel is an enemy of the US and the West.
More information here:
>How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:
>Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ:
>"WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins"