>>10503002 (lb)
Horst Kläuser
After Trump defended the 17 year old radical right shooter in Kenosha who shot two people dead, after he a described a parade of trucks in Portland out of which paintball guns were shot as patriotic. After Trump rejected official warnings before his visit to Kenosha because he wanted to represent "love and respect", I'm slowly begining to think that it could be time for someone to put a briefcase under his desk.
Correspndent ARD Berlin
Editor WDR
Worked as foreign radio correspondent in Russia and the Russian independent staes for ARD
Worked as foreign radio correspondent for the US with the WDR/NDR studio Washington.
** my notes
ARD is a national TV/Radio network. TV 1
WDR is West German Radio
NDR is North german radio
This bullshit is SSDD for the news over there. It's all they hear. 24/7
Needs a wake up call from SS IMO