>Files do not go 'missing' unless 7th floor direct involvement.
As a general rule, SENTINEL case information will be available to all FBI users with a need for the information in the performance of their duties, except where there are additional restrictions imposed by law or policy. For example, certain data will have limited access based on policy promulgated by the FBI’s Information Sharing Policy Board (ISPB). In addition, certain data may be limited based on the Case Manager’s discretion. Documents within the case file can be restricted from viewing by an employee with the authority to restrict. Access to information restricted by law or policy (e.g., federal grand jury material) or highly sensitive case file information (espionage, public corruption information, source identity) will also be limited. Finally, individuals under the supervision of the FBI, such as other government agency (OGA) and contractor personnel, will have limited access to case information based on law, memoranda of understanding, Attorney General Guidelines, and FBI policy notices and directives.