Carter Page 302’s Shed Light into Relationship with Intelligence Agencies
By Tracy Beanz -March 11, 2020
"Recently released information under a decision in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has shed new light into the interviews of dozens of figures questioned in the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. The FOIA requests, brought forth by CNN and Jason Leopold of Buzzfeed, were litigated, with the judge ultimately deciding in favor of the plaintiffs, and ordering the government to release 500 pages of documents a month until the request is satisfied.
The releases are comprised of 302 forms, or the written summary of the interviews that FBI agents conducted with various figures in the Special Counsel investigation, figures both extremely tangential, and crucial to the story.
A close review of the Carter Page 302 forms reveals more context in regards to his possible work within the CIA, as well as the role the CIA may have had in the spying operation against President Trump. The 302’s that have been released detail interviews conducted during March of 2017. It is unknown at this time whether more interviews were conducted after the official appointment of the Special Counsel…"