Anonymous ID: e4335a Sept. 2, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.10505794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5814

Been thinking a lot lately on the riots and how brainwashed these kids are..


All antifa and blm are taking advantage of young minds and bent them to a subversive and dark ajenda.


Fbi and SS should take any of their threats seriously , which they do.. But pointing out they are absolutely capable of murder, cold blooded calous murder. All of them.


They have never heard the commandment ' you shall not kill' or ' love your neighbour as yourself'..


So this is the reality of what these kids are 'fighting for'


Sharing my own life experience for anons here so you can understand this has happened before and you need to counter their programing and educate your kids on the real antifascism movement from europe in the 40s.


They claim they fight antifascism and have labeled patriots enemies.. But in nazi germany, the nazis were persecuting a specific group of people. Whatever the numbers may be, it was widely accepted and organized.


That is not the case in the Us today. The 'systemic racism' they claim is exagerrated and conflated with other problems, individual cases, projection and outright lies. So what are these kids fighting for, i just don't see being justified in america. There is no one single group persecuted and exterminated that i can see'! Except maybe christians…


So this whole narrative they came up with falls apart on its face. But we all need to do our homework on what fascism and antifaschim did in europe … And the resulting establishment of communist states.


Anti- fascism = communists. ReDs.


Here is what happened in europe.


the marxist dream


My family is from eastern Europe and my grandfather was almost shot by these 'revolutionary' fuck ups. He survived but when the commie revolution started there they went after small businesses.. And normal people's livelihoods. Claiming they were rich and upper class thousands were shot in public squares.


His store was taken away but he escaped with his life. Was talking to my dad today and he said back in the 40s and 50s, that's how it started there too. Unrest in the streets by groups that claimed they were antifascist. When Nazi Germany fell, these marxist lunatics took power and in the blood bath that ensued they killed every intellectual intelligent human being that saw through their lies , disagreed. Business owners were next and anyone who would criticize their government, organization, tactics, etc.


They instilled a culture of fear and repression. Noone trusted anyone. People snitched on each other.


If you criticized the party or people in it.. Secret service came and took you away. Your family never saw you again.


They went after the churches too. Closed, repressed and underground. Clergy were persecuted and persona non gratas. They smeared christianity and drove atheism into the culture.


Next they rewrote the history books and gave themselves all this glory.


They made equal pay for every profession, regardless if you were a doctor scientist teacher or a truck driver.


But heres the thing. It was enough to live on, but by no means utopian bliss. Everyone was equally poor. Not equally rich…


Except the party leaders. they kept the money for themselves. They had beautiful vilas, resorts and they lived like kings. So the ruling class always stays rich, always stays on top.


Some years there were shortages of bread, rations of meat, oil and flour. Basic necessities. People lined for hours from 4 am.. Before the stores opened.


And yet i never saw looting… Ever. No matter how poor people got. How crushed their spirit.. They never resorted to stealing. Somehow that was the little dignity they tried to keep, when they were treated like animals. When everything was stripped from them.


College and docs were free, but if you got a serious illness, it would have been a death sentence.


Media, radio, news.. All information was carefully sencored filteted and presented ina tight narrative. We used to listed to the voice of America.. In secret..


So after these people killed for their Marxist dream… It turned out to be nothing but a shitfest that left a dark hole in every country it touched. Countless dead, economy destroyed, and the spirit of the people crushed. There was no hope for the future. You can still see that hopelessnes in people today.


Wheni go back to visit.. I can tell apart those who are from there just by one look in their eyes.


They have resigned themselves to the oppressors, and lost hope. To this day they carry this burden.. And they don't have God either to change and renew their spirit. Such darkness.


It is crushing to see.


If any of this seems familiar to you, it's because it is unfolding here now.


History is repeating itself. And the result will be the same. Hell on earth.


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Anonymous ID: e4335a Sept. 2, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.10505814   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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I'm sharing this all with you in the hopes that maybe some of these comrades will read this and come to their senses. Open their eyes to see the real masters pulling the strings .. It is the very people paying them . And organizing the destruction of this great country. If they truly wanted change, they would go after the 1,2%. Not small businesses.


The Us constitution is the single greatest document in the history of government.

No other country in the world affords its sitizens such freedom and equality. Add freedom to worship to this and you understand why everyone tries to come here. That is still worth fighting for.


now think about where we are with current technology and chipping people,

Nano robot vaccines and the ability to control people via NEUROLINK.. Musk. This should scare all of us. Because if you imagine this distopian society where everything is controlled, no freedom exists.. In the past at least you had your mind, your soul, the privacy of your home.

With this tech.. All that will be stripped from people too. No privacy at all, surveilance 24-7-365. Forever. And corrol over your mind, soul, actions.

I truly believe the army is going to get chipped first. And then they would kill even their own families, under this nanotech control.. Something to think about .. Where the future is headed.


This is matter of national security and the survival of humanity as we know it.

It has happened before .. And it can happen again. Except the next version 2.0 is going to enslave even the minds of people.


Hope this gave people something to think about. Yes God is in control, but who can fathom his plans and timing. When we are willing. He uses us, but we have to have the balls to show up on the battlefield.


Stay alert. Stay awake. Educate your kids.

Infiltration rather tha invasion. Q is right.


God bless anons!


May God preserve this great country.